Apple stores showing WWDC

I might be at Aspen Grove if I can't watch the keynote on TV, although it's doubtful. =\ With things going the way they are, there will be no keynote webcast.
The presentation is going to be on TV? Hmm sounds good, does anyone know what channel and when. I live in NJ, not too far from an applestore either. As of now I'm not sure if I'm going or what.
Originally posted by wingzero1285
The presentation is going to be on TV? Hmm sounds good, does anyone know what channel and when. I live in NJ, not too far from an applestore either. As of now I'm not sure if I'm going or what.
Same here? What channel? I live in Salem Massachusettes, and what time?! Hurry! THE KENOTE IS TOMORROW!!!

It stands for World Wide Developer's Conference. You could have found that just about anywhere if you had bothered to look. Wish, I could go...
I had no idea there were so many, and CLEVELAND gets one the end of this year. Too bad i will be relocating to either NYC or Atlanta.
Who cares where the next WWDC is, what channel will tomorrows WWDC be on!!?? *weeps* This sucks...I wanna see Jobs live and in action! Maybe some random international channel on cable or satillite will show it (doubtfull tho) :p
Glendale Galeria is on the list! Yay!
Hmmm... gotta psyke myself up to ride that far! :)

Is that the only place to catch it on? Or will it be webcast somehow?

What time is it going to be? How long?
According to , the keynote will start at 10AM Frisco-time (and Steve usually talks for at least an hour, but usually under 2, methinks)... btw, 10 AM is also the time my mom says the Glendale Galleria opens.... so, maybe they'll open a little earlier so I can get a good seat on a bench and leech off of the Airport stations.

See you guys there!
Adam, I was going nuts trying to figure out which one you where - I was at the highly-uncomfortable metal chairs... if you where there when the door opened, I was sitting in the back row. Big guy with Blue T, Jeans and a goat-t. Oh and a Bronze Cane. :p :)

I thought you where on the next row infront of me but I guess not. heh