Apple's last WORD

actually I have had problems in the past when people try to open up versions od .xls, .doc and .ppt from lets say the XP version with a 2k or 97 version :)
I use Word because I have papers and such need to be compatible with what everyone else is using. I miss the days of word perfect 3.5 and Claris Works on OS 9...

If Apple makes a program like this I can't wait to see it...but I worry at the same time if Apple can really survive without Microsoft and Office...
Originally posted by mindbend
If Document is truly compatibile in and out, that's great...for now, but what happens when Microsoft releases the next version of Word and breaks compatibility? You think that's not going to happen to some extent?

Yeah, but "extent" is the key word here. If Microsoft breaks compatibility too much they're gonna get a whole lot of hate from the owners (individuals & businesses) of the millions of copies of old versions of Word and Windows that are already out there.

They can do it a little (as they have before), but not very much, and Apple will have a lot of lead time to incorporate the new features before they become important. I mean, if 90% of the Windows community can't read the documents for 8 months is it really a big deal if Apple's computers can't?

MS could try to send out "update" patches, I suppose, but my experience has been that a lot of people don't really like updating or auto-update. Dunno, but I don't think it's too big of a problem really.
Originally posted by jeb1138
MS could try to send out "update" patches, I suppose, but my experience has been that a lot of people don't really like updating or auto-update.

yeah, especially when these patches increase the E.T. factor...
Although small, MS Word has a hard time recognizing commonly spelled words.
If you do data entry and have a pdf file it launches adobe acrobat so you have to focus on two instead of one app.
I haven't got a hold of the OS X version yet and i've only used the disaster that was Word 6 for mac and all the windows versions.
But i imagine that is just as obtrusive as the pc one. Oh well, at least i won't get the blue screen of death.
iLife, Document...

Is this a contest of the most stupid names ?

Plus, M$ can break compatibility at any stage. I'd prefer a very much reviewed AppleWorks 6.3 (and free, of course ;) ) with plugin support (just like Quark: Import Filters).
Chevy, I just took a look at that pdf.

I don't care what it was produced in, rather you than me mate!

The final result must have arrived amid much crashing, gnashing, wailing and canibalistic style sheets that ate themselves. Anything but Word for that job.
Originally posted by Decado
What is interesting is the question if it will be released for windows. would that be a good or a bad thing? And what would uncle Bill do?
Good: it could weaken the word-standard, and give apple some big bucks. Easier to get people to switch when they have started to use appleproducts. like the iPod.

Bad: it's a nice thing to wave infront of pc-users to get them to switch. if it's only on mac.

the best strategy: Release the product for Mac & Windows for a year or so.... Then after that, release 2.0 for only Mac. THAT would attract win-users to our platforum!
Originally posted by senne
the best strategy: Release the product for Mac & Windows for a year or so.... Then after that, release 2.0 for only Mac. THAT would attract win-users to our platforum!

If a program did that to lure me i'd surely drop that program in no time flat. That's horrible strategy if you ask me.

I do think Document, Safari, and Keynote should work on both platforms. If you can't get Windows users to switch, then at least get them to run your software.

I don't ever think apple will develop Safari for Windows. They have given us, their loyal customers a browser for free. Why should they give the same browser to Windows users? People won't buy a browser. And it doesn't open a proprietary file-format. As for Keynote. I haven't seen it so i don't know what it's like. As far as I can see, apple continues to develop quicktime for windows, to retain the "industry standard" label it has given to it, and to keep it a viable production media for users. However. They are primarily still trying to lure Windows users to MacOS remember..

"industry standard" is exactly it. That's why Microsoft IE and Office are so popular. Business know that they can use it on either platforms and it will fulfill all their needs.
Originally posted by twister
That's why Microsoft IE and Office are so popular. Business know that they can use it on either platforms and it will fulfill all their needs.

but both work better on Win, so they stay there
Originally posted by senne
but both work better on Win, so they stay there
um...yeah, whatever...
sorry, the though of Office working better on Win after using Office 97, 2000, XP on PC and 98, 2001, X on Mac just kinda did that too me. Anyway, Businesses are going to start to really have options, other choices in what software they use, because soon standards will make it so you can choose software based on features and stability rather than compatibility with the world. It is already beginning, slowly, and will keep gaining momentum. We just have to keep pushing it forward.
and IE on Win is much better than Safari on OSX. Does safari has a PDF-viewer-plug-in? A Windows Media Player-plugin? MSN-buddylist-plug-in (in our case an iChat-plugin)? Does hotmail work properly on Safari? (i mean the Word-likely menubar on top of your mail, where you can select emoticons, font, bold/italic/underline, size, ....). Does Safari show online and offline buddy-icons next to your mails? Does the scrollbar of safari changes when you surf to ? ectera.....
Originally posted by senne
don't tell me that IE is working better on OS X than on Windows.
IE is not part of Office, and I was talking about Office. Also, I find Safari faster on my mac than IE on machines running Win2k at school; of course, such a comparison is unfair until Safari is finished. As far as working better, this site never killed IE for Mac's ability to load many graphics. Back during the brief time of the really dark blue theme, loading this site was a graphic killer in IE (and no other browser) on the PC's here at school, and on others everywhere (as discussed in another thread). I can have multiple windows open on my Mac without multiple "instances" of IE, which I think is part of what drags Windows down in terms of multitasking, but I think Hulkaros would know more than I on that subject. Of course, you can always attribute that to the OS rather than IE, but it greatly affects how well the browser works for me. Also in Mac IE, I don't have the issue of accidentally installing some 3rd party toolbar that takes up a rediculous amout of screenspace...people do that all the time on the machines at PSU (mostly the Yahoo bar).
Since you added more while I was typing, I'll add some more now as to plugins and other features possibly missing in Safari: it isn't done yet! You can't compare these 2 yet. And Hotmail does work on IE on my mac. I believe Hulkaros puts it best when he tells people they are not comparing "apples to apples;" you are telling me I am wrong about office because of IE, but IE isn't in office. Then you say I am wrong about IE being better on Win than Mac because Safari isn't as good as IE on Win. But Safari is not IE, and is not finished at that.