Aqua-style finder is back?


U.S.D.A. Prime
I never pay much attention to those clear, oblong-shaped buttons in the upper-right hand corner in certain applications that show/hide menu bars and what-not. They usually don't serve much use to me.

I noticed that Finder windows have them, though. On a whim, I decided to press it. WHOA! Aqua Finder windows! OS 9 style! No more duplicate windows that show the same contents! Let me explain: under the brushed metal finder, I could have three windows open that all show the contents of my "Documents" folder. If I press the little clear button to switch to "Aqua Finder" and try to open multiple instances of my Documents folder, it reverts back to an OS 9-style behavior and simply brings the original instance of the Documents folder to the front!

Certain features, like snap to grid and showing usable disk space and the like are gone, but the OS 9 functionality of the Finder is back!

Macfixit links to a story on this... find it here:
Hasn't it always been like that? I haven't come across two copies of the same window with toolbars off in 10.2, and I don't remember it from before either.

And isn't snap-to-grid under View:Show View Options? That's where it is in 10.2.

Oh dear. Am I going to not like upgrading? :/
snap to grid can be turned on under view options (apple-j), it has always been there as far as I can remember.
Yep, my mistake... although hitting the clear, oblong button in the Finder windows was new to me -- I guess I just missed it!

Thanks for the correction!
Yes, you get Aqua windows without the brushed metal interface, but you lose all the extra stuff like the Sidebar, the Action Button, the Toolbar, etc. And I'm not sure how to make it the default.
BTW: This is also old news. I know you just discovered it, so I'm just letting you know.
You can also command-click the toolbar button to cycle through toolbar appearance settings.