Are most mac users INTJs?

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INTJ here though I took the REAL paper test many years ago. I did take the online test two times but I didn't save my results. The results came back ISTJ and INTP. I still think I'm a true INTJ from the test several years ago because of my extreme introvertedness, my desire to pursue abstract theoretical ideas, and my judgemental attitude towards situations and events. Regarding my judgement, I see the world almost as black and white, with very little grey area in between.

Here is what I am...
Your Type is
Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
1 22 11 78

Qualitative analysis of your type formula
 You are:

* slightly expressed extrovert
* slightly expressed intuitive personality
* slightly expressed feeling personality
* very expressed judging personality
Have a great day!

I-33 S-11 T-11 P-11

Well, BING at least... has me down pretty good when it comes to my rigid-flexible passive-aggressive Silent Bob personality, with all those inhibitions to.

'I' is for the fact that I think much conversation and expression is wasteful.

'S' is for my ability to learn and solve quickly with thorough examination.

'T' is for the fact that even in my artwork I'm precise and methodical.
(But I am REAL sap if I let myself be, a couple of you can detest to that.)

'P' is for my easy-going, tolerate, sometimes apathetic nature.

And of course...

'C' is for cookie, and that's good enough for me!
How convenient! Just had one of these tests done.

ENTP over here. Thought I was an ENTJ, but i found otherwise. My test also indicated that i am very, very skewed to the thinking side, as opposed to the feeling side. :D

Still the number of mac users with that personality is pretty high.
Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
89 1 22 22

very expressed introvert

slightly expressed sensing personality

slightly expressed thinking personality

slightly expressed perceiving personality

Wow... how true...
Where did y'all take your tests from? I downloaded mine and had to run Classic to do it.
Extroverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
67 75 12 33

* distinctively expressed extrovert
* distinctively expressed intuitive personality
* slightly expressed thinking personality
* moderately expressed perceiving personality
ENTJ here, I have taken something similar to this for my Leadership and Organizational Behavior class, called a Life Style Inventory. Very cool, 130 questions that tell you just about everything about you. very eerie how it all works out...
Satcomer said:
I hate these things. It said I was ISTJ.
What's the matter? Looks like we're the only two on here so far that share the same ranking.Did you score the same percentages as I did;introverted 67,sensing12,thinking38 ,judging 22 :p
This is amazing, I was totally thinking this recently. I am an INTJ, and my close friend, who hovers around INTP, INTJ is also a mac user. I would really like to meet other INTJs!!!! :D
Oh, my score was: 78 50 12 33, definately INTJ. Ive read analysis on this type and its amazing to read, incredibly accurate. Id recommend it for the other types.
markceltic said:
What's the matter? Looks like we're the only two on here so far that share the same ranking.Did you score the same percentages as I did;introverted 67,sensing12,thinking38 ,judging 22 :p

I can't remember. I just feel a five minute test doesn't judge a person right. Plus, not every Mac user is the same. We all come from all types of life


Strength of the preferences %


*You are:
moderately expressed introvert
distinctively expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
distinctively expressed perceiving personality

seems quite true...