as root changed Drive Permissions! BAD! HELP!


I logged in as root (yes root, not admin) and for some reason thought changing Group priviledges in my Hard Drive Get Info window to None would increase already tight security, bad move!

now when i boot:

>the mac os X boot window comes up with the progress bar, but without the accompanying text (eg configuring network, loading firewall etc)

> then i just get a blue screen with the pointer & mouse movement, & an occasional flicker as it unsuccessfully attempts to load the login window

i've got into single user mode fine (zsh prompt) although i can't sudo, i presume i need to change chmod on the root directory, can someone provide the syntax PLEASE!

1000 thankyous to who ever knows darwin likethe back of t heir hand.
What exactly did you do? You got info on / (your boot volume) and set the group and other permissions to what exactly? Did you click on the "Apply to Enclosed Items..." button?

At this point, the easiest and fastest thing to do would be to boot off of a Jaguar install CD and run Disk Utility and repair the permissions of that drive.

Otherwise, you could give us the results of an ls -alt / so we can see exactly what the permissions and group assignments are now. (You may or may not need to chmod anything. You may need to chgrp, however.)

You don't need to sudo in single user mode, because you are the super user (and sole owner) of the system when running in that mode.
i worked it out quite easily after refreshing my knowledge of chmod & single user mode commands (great concise info on single user mode commands at this url:

I also downloaded the Repair Privileges 1.1 utility from:
this is essentially the utility built into the jaguar CD for 10.1.5 users

these are the commands i typed in:
mount -uw / # this alone may have been enough
ls - ld # to find out the chmod settings for "/", the hard drive
chmod 777 /* # even though i didn't click apply to enclosed folders, i wanted to be sure write access would available for various boot processes in whatever directory was required.
systemstarter # this essentially hows the configure network, load firewall processes in z shell that occur in the GUI boot window.
reboot # vundabar!

once logged into the gui i ran the repair Privileges util to subdue by exagerated global chmod command.