Audacity or other audio editing software


I am currently using Audacity 1.2.4, audio editing freeware on my G5 Mac OS 10.4.8.

The input device is a USB microphone, which I am using to record to my desktop. Then, the audio clip is recorded to a recording module (the playback device) using an external USB device. When I play back the audio clip on the recording module, there's a lot of noise and distortion. I'm not sure if my preferences are set up right, or if Audacity has the ability to block any internal computer sounds, if that's what's causing the problem. The recording module is not affected by external sounds.

I have tried to troubleshoot this on my own by going to the developer's site, but I can't find a solution. Can someone there give recommendations on how the preferences should be set up according to my setup, and/or recommend another inexpensive audio editing software?

I recommend Sound Studio. It's pretty neat, and at $80 that pretty dang inexpensive for sound editing. (Comparable programs can cost around $300.)

You can get it here :

My eMac came with Sound Studio, but I haven't seen it installed on a Mac by default since.

Don't forget Garageband too.
You might have to go into your Audio setup for your sound and check to make sure that the internal mic isn't picking up any other sound. You should be able to set it to only pick up signal from the USB mic. Once that's set, that should eliminate any sound picked up from other sources when using Audacity.