Auto-image rotation help


i'm surprised that i can't find anything on this in a search. But anyway...

after uploading my pics from a digital camera, even the ones that were taken vertically show up in iphoto and preview right-side up (i'm assuming because they automatically rotate those pics based on info stored in the pics by the camera, no?)

well here's the problem, even though those apps auto-rotate (even the finder does it, too with thumbnails) when i go to upload those pics to an online photo album, they're still sideways. but how am i expected to rotate them permanently if none of the editors on my mac dont view them as sideways in the first place?

i've tried compensating for it (rotating them 90 degrees the other way) but that doesn't work. what am i missing here?

I'm also looking for the answer to this, but I can provide a possible reason for them importing right side up. My Canon camera has a setting that tells the camera to export right side up, so that is why in iPhoto, they come in correctly. Now, if we can get the answer as to how to get them right side up on disks/online photo albums, and even the iPod, we'll be set to go!