Avatar icon contest

I love my icon. Sure, it's totally someone else's, but I always thought the LightWave icon was one of the coolest in the world... (especially in OS X at 128x128!!!!) It works well with my name, too.
I like penguins
I live in norway

The penguin is an old penguin which Apple used with QuickTime in some way. (Notice him blink)
My avatar is invisible :) It's whatever you happen to want it to be at that moment...

Actually, I haven't figured out what to put there yet :-p Any ideas? :)
Hey ksuther.

I made an avatar you might like. Check it out. I checked your profile and noticed that your AOL messenger name is Hypahrat. So I made one with a rat.

I'm sorry guys, but I have to say that I know that my avatar takes the cake.

It expresses exactly what I think about Microsoft, and it also includes a couple of nice shades of blue. I like blue...

*** simX contemplates the color blue....

Anyway, no disputes. My avatar wins. :D Oh, yeah, I made it myself.. with the help of OS X, of course. ;)

(This is one of my rare posts in this forum. I just couldn't resist.)
SimX, I have to agree that I liked that avatar the moment I saw it.

But no, you're not the winner. :P

(I like my avatar but I definitely don't think it's winning material since I didn't make it myself.)

Originally posted by devonferns
How about mine?:D

Can anyone guess what it says?

CLUE: It's not a real word in the language it's written in.

agin t'o shi? ..... uhh.. actually.. moh lah

i like ur custom title. he is babo. =)
Originally posted by jppjr79

agin t'o shi? ..... uhh.. actually.. moh lah

You're gunna have to help me with these two :p
I think you can post in Korean here and I'll be able to see it in my browser if that helps. :D

i like ur custom title. he is babo. =)

Oh I know he is LOL.
Originally posted by jppjr79

agin t'o shi? ..... uhh.. actually.. moh lah

i like ur custom title. he is babo. =)

Oh, you were guessing what it says ok I didn't catch on, and I see now how it does look like a-gin-to-shi, BUT, here's what it is:

mah-kin-toh-shi :D

I think I'll fix up the m to make it easier to see.

There we go, that's much easier to read now :D
I wish the avitars could be just a bit bigger too:p
Originally posted by devonferns

Oh, you were guessing what it says ok I didn't catch on, and I see now how it does look like a-gin-to-shi, BUT, here's what it is:

mah-kin-toh-shi :D

I think I'll fix up the m to make it easier to see.

There we go, that's much easier to read now :D
I wish the avitars could be just a bit bigger too:p


Haha.. cooool avatar!!!
:D :D :D :D
So just to break the mold, I want to nominate someone else's avatar. I just haven't decided whose avatar I want to nominate. :)

I'll let you know when I am sober enough to decide.
Yeah Nkuvu, you've been REALLY screwed up for the last hour :)



Why am I so goddamn cheerful? It's 6 a.m. and I haven't slept at all.. maybe being a "morning person" makes you happy or something...
I found a couple of abstract avatar pictures on my computer.

I'm thinking of doing a transparency effect with my current avatar and with them.