AWstats configuration???


I have a default web directory of

I installed awstats successfully in the following directories and everything works fine:
/Library/WebServer/Documents/classes/...all that stuff /Library/WebServer/Documents/css/...all that stuff /Library/WebServer/Documents/icon/...all that stuff /Library/WebServer/Documents/js/...all that stuff /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/mystats/

Now I would like to move awstats to one directory below /Documents/
So I created a directory below /Documents called awstats.

I then did the following to the directory structure:
/Library/WebServer/Documents/awstats/classes/...all that stuff /Library/WebServer/Documents/awstats/css/...all that stuff /Library/WebServer/Documents/awstats/icon/...all that stuff /Library/WebServer/Documents/awstats/js/...all that stuff /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/mystats/

I left the cgi-executables as they were originally when everything worked. Now when I go the URL: I get an error.

When I went to before I moved the directory everything worked fine. Why does moving the directory screw everything up. It appears my cgi-bin directory is not found. How can I move AWstats to a different directory and get it to work?