Bad iMac Bad


I've lived with this problem for awhile now, and i'm not sure what to do. I'm using an old iMac DV 400, and after nearly 2 years of happy usage on the network with my brother's pc, my iMac decided to drop connection.

I connect through a socket in the wall and every other computer and device i've hooked up to the same socket, is seen and sees the main network, while I have to use a 2nd router to access the main network, as i am several rooms away from the primary router and modem.

The 2nd router I am using also refuses to connect me or see my computer immediately, instead I have to wait anywhere between 15 minutes to 1 hour before my computer can connect online, and even then, i can't see or be seen on the main network, as the main network only sees the 2nd router.

I really miss the direct connection with my brother's machine and am curious if anyone else has had similar trouble with their imac?
I wonder if it's the router at fault, maybe? Can you borrow a different router, hopefully a different brand, and see if that resolves your problems? Or try switching routers and see what happens.
The first thing I would do is move the iMac to where the internet service is, cable/dsl, you didn't say, and connect the iMac directly. This will tell you quickly if the problem is in the iMac or somewhere in the network.

You should describe your entire setup when posting a question like this with as much info as possible.
My apologies for lack of detail, i didn't want to make it too long in the first post :(

Essentially, there is a pc in the family room. This is where the dsl modem and the primary router are. If I connect to the router in the main room directly, after the same waiting period, I can connect online, and to the main network. If I move back to my room, and connect my mac directly to the wall socket, no matter how long I wait, I get no connection online, or to the network.

What I am currently doing, is plugging in a second router, that i had spare, into the socket in the wall and then plugging my mac into that router. The router, instantly sees the active connection when I plug it into the wall, but I still have to wait several minutes before it will see my computer connected to it.

I feel as if my computer is sending a weak signal or not properly sending a signal on its initial boot or when waking from a long sleep, however, I can't find much in the way of firmware updates for my ethernet jack, and am considering a fireware/usb ethernet "card." It may also be something in the settings that is out of sync with the router and vice versa. However, I Thank You for your posts so far, it is a problem I have never come across nor read about.
First, you can't add any cards to a iMac, ethernet or anything else, only adapters.

Second, how is the DSL modem connected?
Is the DSL modem connected to a Router through ethernet, or to the PC using Ethernet or USB?

As I previously said, I would connect the iMac directly to the DSL modem, no PC or router involved if this is possible.
The dsl is connected through the main router's wan. I cannot connect to the modem directly as there are no drivers for OS X. The modem isn't the problem though, as even if it weren't functioning, I would still have access to the network, and I don't.

I know it is a router issue, but as all the technology provenly works, save the iMac's ethernet port, at least fully, then I suppose it has simply failed with age. I was just curious if someone else had experienced this and could verify my problem.

lol, I know iMac's can't have cards :) I just couldn't remember the word, for whatever reason, and since a usb/fireware ethernet adapter, is basically an ethernet card with a different connector, i just went with firewire/usb ethernet "card."

I do thank you for your time, however, :)
and I will probably look into an adapter :(