Bad Pixel in new 17" imac


I have a new iMac, with a bad pixel. Doeas anyone know how to fix, or what I can do to get it replaced?
My bosses iMac had a bad pixel and he was able to "massage" it out. Only to have another appear a few weeks later that he couldn't get rid of.

You should see my 2001 iBook, it's falling apart. The sceen is separating from the lid. 2 keyboard keys have fallen off. The CD Burner/DVD combo drive quit working all together. The ethernet port is faulty and I have to constantly wiggle my ethernet cord to maintain connection. If I close my lid a little to get a better view it goes to sleep and I have to shut the lid and reopen it to get it to wake up. The power cord easily looses it's connection and has to be wiggled. My battery only lasts about 1.5 hours.

But as of this post, I don't have any bad pixels (knock on wood).

Good luck!
If you still have warranty, call apple and tell them that you have bad pixels. They may exchange it for you
I think Apple policy is that you have to have like 5 bad pixels to get the screen replaced..... dunno... it's still wortha shot calling.

The only bad pixel I've ever seen was one in the middle of my TiBook's screen... it turned bright red, and scared the crap out of me. I quickly massaged it back to life, and haven't seen any dead pixels since. *crosses fingers*
Can you explain how you massaged the pixel? Just for our information, please. :)
Thanks everyone for their replies. This site rules, a really great community.

I have tried a bit of iMac shiatsu and the pixel remains.
How hard do I have to massage? i dont want to do it too hard and make it worse or damage the screen.

Any more tips?
lol. Alright, I'll try my hand at this.... ( oh no! bad pun! shoot me now!)...

1. Pray to the diety of your choice / cross your fingers, if applicable.

2. Firmly support the monitor by putting one hand behind the spot where the dead pixel is.

3. Approach dead pixel with thumb of your other hand. Press firmly, but not so firmly as to risk breaking anything. Rub in a circular motion with varying amount of pressure. On and around the area surrounding the pixel. It's scary, but it should work.

Really, I don't think you should have to massage TOO hard. You don't want to risk breaking your screen, making it much much worse. I'd still try calling Apple and demand a fix if massaging doesn't work.