Boot from iPod ??


Hello all,

Not much luck with my "keyboard remapping" thread, so I'll try another one :
Can anyone tell me how to boot from an iPod if it's possible ??
I seem to remember something about a procedure to start the mac while pressing on a specific key to have a choice of different discs ...

Thank you !
Yes, you can hold down the option key at restart to be presented with a list of bootable drives on certain hardware. Any computer older than a G4/PCI machine does not support this, though.

You can also try holding down shift-option-command-delete (the big delete key, not the little one below the help key) at restart while the iPod is plugged in to try and force the computer to boot from the external drive (hopefully the iPod).
You can't I always thought you could? There were stories of this Firewire external hard drive boots when the iPod first came out... I've always been meaning to buy a copy of Panther for my iPod and test it out... But so far just haven't gotten around to it.
I thought you could, too -- I don't see why you couldn't. Load up OS X on it, take it with you, and boot from it!

Perhaps your machine, crjo, is like mine and doesn't support FireWire booting...
Well, I guess the Hotline I called was wrong then...
Maybe it is my mac
thanks for the help !
I boot from my iPod (30gig) all the time (I store some files there) without difficulty. Using the option key, as previously mentioned, will give you the option of which HD to startup on.
I startup from iPod to run maintenance scripts on Ti Book.

I run OS X 10.3.2 on both my Ti book and iPod.