Saves space on my desk and ~$ 1,000.- and will someone please think of the child... er, laptop users?How is that better than having a PC sitting next to you for testing purposes, fully booted, ready-to-go?

At the very least it saves me the Virtual PC license. Also, I'd like you to try running Autocad, 3DSMax, or any other 3D graphical program (including games) in VPC.Or VirtualPC, booted and running IE?
I'm not just talking about wesite testing, but also about cross-platform developing. I does prevent the necessity of having to actually buy, install and maintain a second machine for quite a number of people.
Moreover, just you wait until we get virtualisation and the other OS (whatever it may be), is just a cube effect away or runs like Classic.
BTW. I guess people will be able to run various flavors of linux within a week using Boot Camp.