Booting Linux from iPod/parition?


Translator, Web Developer
I know I can use CMD+OPT+SHFT+DEL to select a boot source other than the boot volume, can this source also be an iPod with, say, YellowDog Linux installed?

I know I can do it with OS 9 or OS X on an iPod (which is pretty cool IMHO).

PS. I presume you can also re-partition the hard disk (into 2) and use OPTION at boot time to select a Linux installation to boot from, instead of OS X, right?
I don't know. I'm certain thats not at all satisfying but it's the best I've got. As I understand it firewire only functions after it's been enabled with software. Thats why you cant boot from your average IDE/firewire HD conversion kit. The reason you can boot the Mac OS(s) from the iPod is that there is boot rom data on the iPods firmware. Wheather this means you can boot into linux I don't know but...maybe. You should try it. If it fails you can simply reformat the drive no worries.
Yeah actually now that i've investigated it further, I probably won't be able to do it. YDL reccomends that you partition your HD into a section for a boot loader etc.etc.etc.

But it's all good, I just installed Classic into my iPod (under 300 megs + limited Norton SystemWorks) and I'll just do YDL when Jag arrives.

Thanks anyway!