BroadbandOptimizer - more speed for browser in X


mac shaman
Has anyone else checked out broadbandoptimizer? It changes some commands at startup that really seem to add more zip to a broadband connection. I just installed it and went to some regular pages i visit that normally take a while even with my dsl. I always just figured it was the other side. but after installing this they loaded very fast. Most difficult part of installation is creating a new folder in your librairy.

to download direct from developer. or pick it up at your favorite free software distributer - i got mine at macupdaate which i prefer because it does give a link to the developer's site. for all those people who complain about browsers not being fast enough in osx, this should really help. (at least it worked on my mac-hine). I will continue to test drive it for a few days and get back with the results.
ive been using it for a couple of days, and i think my connection is actually slower than b4... i think im gonna uninstall
Either I'm a good programmer or my computer has gone wacky!

I installed BroadbandOptimizer X and a program I'm currently developing and suddenly I get 12k per second on a 56k with AOL!!! Guys, I usually got 3k if I was lucky, but now 12?! This is sweet...
Aqualung: I beleive it isn't possible. So my computer is jacked up! lol.

I don't care! I'm gonna go download some more junk from carracho now, later all!
I downloaded this app but couldnt get it to work cause i dont get what he means when he say drag the app to the libary folder i mean i know were they are but when i do a error come up??? i just got os 10.1 so i dont know much
did you create te StartupItems folder as per the instructions? also did you put it in /library (correct) or /system/library (incorrect) ?
I put it in the right folder, and it won't work for me. I used the console per his instructions to see if the changes took effect, and they didn't.

Perhaps I should put the CONTENTS of the optimizer folder into the startupitems folder in ~library? Ahh, well it probably doesn't do anything for modem users anyways.
They were right i put it in the wrong folder and when i put it in the right folder it worked. wow i am loading pages in average of 2 seconds with my dsl and b4 i was loading like 4-5 average. for the people it worked for how long did it take to load web pages i used mozilla which tell you the time. once again this web site helps you guys r great
i notice you type StartupItems without the caps which is incorrect according to install instructions. If you did this during install, that might be part of problem.
this seems to be a linux term for the 1st level directory of your harddrive assuming you are booting osx from it. In other words open your harddrive you booted from and look for the folder "Library". this is the correct folder to use for this program.
i wrote in this tread b4 saying that i noticed a speed increase but when i went to check likeit says in the read me to see if you did it correctly and i didnt??????i have os 10.1.1 if any 1 that checked and had it right got it working then can you please email me at
I've been using OSX Broadband optimizer and I noticed speed increases right after installation.

I normally get 24k / sec from my home computer to my work computer.

After the install I was getting 175k/ sec. That's a big jump in speeds.

I was dumping a few gigs worth of content on my home machine for days.

I didn't notice a speed increase in my os9 appz, which is upsetting becuase most of my file transfering occurs in os9 appz that don't have an osx native app out yet.

My timbuktu was a trial version at home, so I'm waiting for another application to test the speeds to see if they've increased or decreased.

On the os9 side of things, my speeds have gone down a bit. I was getting 100+ k/sec and now I'm down to 50k/sec.

So I devised a test - which I will do right after my post.

I installed the optimizer in my home library (or ~/library) to see if the program would startup from there. After logging in I noticed that the terminal still reflected that the optimizer was working.

Now when I get bad speeds, I can log out and log in as another user. By using the same program in a similar time-frame, I can see if Broadband Optimizer is actually helping or hurting my speeds.

The server I am connecting to is in Norway, so there's a good chance Optimizer is stil working fine... but as I said I'll post results for everyone.
The first time I installed it, it didn;t work at all. In fact, my DSL connection seemed SLOWER! So, I removed it.

A few days later, I figured what the hell, and reinstalled. This time it worked great.

I have a 640/160 ADSL connection. I've tested my system and have seen the down test hit 300k. After the install, I'm hitting 500+k consistently, and I can SEE a difference in speed.
For the people that got it working can you guys or girls send me a email of exactly how you did it cause i really want to use it but i cant get it working. please email me at eric.brian2@VERIZON.NET(yes the period is sottop b there) please i really want it working.:( :( :
I just downloaded it, installed it, restarted...

I just downloaded the MacOS 9.2.2 update at 450k/sec! The fastest I ever see is well under 200... This is great-- thanks a lot for the tip.
Won't work for me. I put the BroadbandOptimizer folder into StartupItems in the Library folder on my startup volume. Nothing.

I just installed it and I'm noticing a small increase in speed ... Average download speeds (for as far as I've checked) have increased slightly 350->450 on faster servers, loading of web pages on the other hand goes significantly faster, even on this site I notice an improval in speed. I now get average website loading speeds on this site of 30-40Kb ... Which is fast enough for the page to load in a split second ...

It's a pity thought, I was hoping to max out speeds more but I'm still not getting my good 'ol 700-780 Kb/Sec except on backbone servers ...
