


BuyMusic's tracks have started out as unplayable, even on portables lent to the press in a promotional blitz.'s tech support staff was of little help when contacted Thursday. An e-mail response read: "We are unable to provide technical assistance after you have downloaded the music ... to your primary computer. In addition, we are unable to credit you back for failed or damaged copies once you have successfully downloaded the music."

Apple has sold 6.5 million songs since April; BuyMusic won't release figures, but "it's not millions," Blum says.

They should rename it ::ha::
At first I thought everyone was whining that because someone produced a similar service to Apple's, it was a rip off.

Then I saw the commercial.

Serves the bastards right.
haha was this really unexpected?

those commercials are really bad imitations of apple's ads which i didnt really like that much.
You will perish in flames!

GOZER THE TRAVELER!!! He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!
"In addition, we are unable to credit you back for failed or damaged copies once you have successfully downloaded the music"

I figure, that with this attitude toward their customer's and the fact that they spam people quite often, they will not have a very good quarter.

Sell, buy Apple. Hmm, wonder if they sell that?
If you can't do it right, don't bother doing it at all.

Me and my brother were looking for tunes, I had my iBook with Apple Music Store, and I was directing him how to use the music store. I found most of the songs he wanted, he found none. :)
Maybe this will help help Apple if it quickly ports iTunes to Windows (which wouldn't be bad since I'm now stuck using a peecee at work) since buy bites. If Apple can make make it work as flawlessly as it does now, who-hoo.
Why port iTunes? Apple partnered up with MusicMatch to make the Windows version of the iPod. Personally I think MusicMatch sucks but it was the only way I could get music on my iPod since I bought a Windows version later converted it to Mac version.

The Windows customers who bought iPods are already familiar with the MusicMatch interface for uploading music to their iPods so Apple should be working with MusicMatch again to make MM capatible with Apple Music Store. They don't even have to port the AAC codec to Windows, it can be like "buy music online but you have to put it on your iPod to listen to it" or something like that.
Apple should port iTunes and make it kick @$$. Show all the windoze folk what they've missing. I've seen the MusicMatch interface and it's not great.
Apple should make it as easy for windoze users to sync with their iPods as Mac folk do, if only to make it easier, which might make it easier to sell more iPods.
I would think the aac coding would be needed to satisfy the agreements with the record companies as far as doing as much as possible to prevent widespread sharing, and that if not, you'd need two Music Stores with different codecs rather than just one.
And finally, Apple wouldn't sell very much if they said peecee folk could have iTunes for Windoze, but only if they spent a few hundred dollars on an iPod.
Nope, Apple needs to make it easy, make it accessible, make it good and make it quick.
I've been thinking avout iTunes for Windows lately, and I believe we'll see this at MacWorld Expo Paris.
It seems logical to me concidering when they hired people and that they promised iTunes for Windows by the end of the'd be the ultimate time to launch. While they are at it, then can put a price tag on it and make it shareware...just to not give all Mac perks freely to Windows users...
I don't think a fee for iTunes would go over so well. "Hey, why should we pay for this player when that one comes free?"
iTunes should rock in the windows version for free.
But make windows tunes at the store cost $1.01. Covers development cost, puts in a little dig and keeps the mac store just a little better. ;)
There you go! Charge Windows users an extra penny (it should be $1 even) for the cost of bringing them the service. That would definitely make Apple a few extra $'s.
Ya know, Im wondering...will Apple still allow MusicMatch to put music on iPods once iTunes for Windows comes around?
if they stopped that would suck for musicmatch customers, but it's business, I think quality will sell the apple version more, not to mention curiosity.