Buying an iMac


In the beginning I want to apologise for this topic :p I'm about to buy an iMac, and I know that there is some page showing when was the last update of hardware and if there is some possibility of update.
I don't know whether to wait with purchase or not.

Thanks for help in advance and sorry :p
Well, I understand that you don't want to buy a brand new iMac and then a month later it's out dated. I think off hand it was 4 or 5 months ago since the last update but don't quote me on that. Also, they just updated the Macbook Pro's and they've also updated the macbooks. It seems to me that the Mac Mini & iMacs are next.

I don't know whether this is your first mac or not but if it is then my suggestion is to buy the extended warrenty because I've had serious problems with my computer and they pretty much wouldn't do anything for me until I baught the extended warranty.
It has been 294 days since the last revision of the iMac; the average is 168 (source). They are overdue for a major upgrade.

having said that, they are currently very very good computers. even if they do update it, I can't imagine it would be an enormous change (though you never know!)

crap.i don't think i helped at all.
I bought an iMac G5 (pre-Intel) in September of 2005, a month before Apple released the iSight version of the iMac G5 (also the last G5 iMac before the Intel switch) which also had a better G5 CPU and video chipset. Sure I was a little irked when that happened at first, but I was already quite happy with the iMac G5 that I bought. I eventually forgot about what happened and just focused on using the Mac I had now. I'm still using GarageBand to make my music as well as everything else to do whatever it is that I want to do. And it's still fast even after almost two years of ownership.

You can always worry about whether Apple will release a newer version the second you buy the older one....thankfully sites like the ones mentioned above will help prevent that. But remember that technology is always advancing so there will always be something better sooner or later (lately it's been more sooner rather than later), and if you keep waiting for the next best thing, you'll end up waiting forever and not purchasing anything. Besides, the incremental updates sometimes aren't even worth the worry.

So go ahead and buy the iMac. I've used the new Intel models and they are fantastic machines. :)
I'd just go ahead and get one. They are fantastic. Yes, they're probably due for an update, but its not likely to be a significant update but rather just a bump-up of speed/memory. I think all of Apple's key efforts have been focussed on the iPhone and portables so much lately that any new-generation replacement to the iMac is still a long way off.
Wow, so many replies... Thank you guys for all you've written ^^ I think I'll wait a little, maybe Apple will release something new, but who knows...

Right now I'm using a PC but I've got 2 Macs at home... The problem is that my monitor broke down and i have to choose: iMac(17"/20") or new screen and new PC in near future :p (My PC is 10 years old so i need some change)

Anyway, thanks for all replies one more time, I find all of them helpful.
Wow, so many replies... Thank you guys for all you've written ^^ I think I'll wait a little, maybe Apple will release something new, but who knows...

It is just a matter of urgency. If you can wait, just do it. If that is not possible, buy it. Also not al newer versions are better versions, in the PC market there are a lot of examples of it (toshiba re-releasing XP systems in stead of VISTA is just an example). One other reason to wait might be to get a bargain price on the 'old' model which saves at least some money.

Good luck, Kees