Buying new laptop...Did I make the right choice?

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Apple started the trend with handhelds. Remember the Newton? It wasn't the first, but they still made it, like 10 years ago.

By "devaluation" do you mean depreciation? I'd say Macs have very good depreciation... they retain their value much longer than PC's.
How much, let's say I buy a Imac 1ghz, how much percentage wise would the price drop if I sell it a year after? will give you an idea on one year old macs... their resale value holds extremely well compared to pc's mostly because you can't really build a mac for cheap, instead you have to buy second hand.
Originally posted by Devlinite
"Apple used to have a handheld, the Newton, it was sweet :p"

Dare I ask what happened to it?

The Newton was the first handheld. Apple was actually trying for the full computer experience with a handheld, but with the technology of the time it turned out a little large. Palm came out with a smaller (limited in function) handheld and jumped a head of Apple in market share.

The Newton OS was actually a wonderful OS and Apple did make a wonderful mini-laptop called the eMate for a while that used it.

When Jobs returned to Apple, he felt that Apple was spread to thin with all their projects and started making cuts, the Newton was one of the first.

Strangely enough, their are still a lot of Newton users out there (including me). My Newton can still do more than my wife's Palm even given how old it is.

Back to the topic at hand, how was the original question in any way related to the area it was posted in? This is Apple General Discussion right? It isn't Dell General Discussion.

Also on the heat issue, to date the only reports I've heard of where someone was physically injured by a laptop due to heat was with a Dell.

Just FYI.
Well, whatever you chose, that's cool.

However, please do assume the burden and responsibility of making sure that the oh-so-awesome XP operating system is up to date to avoid ever increasing security holes being found...

i never used automatic update, found it to intrusive.... but i never had any probs with xp, because i did check for updates every now and then... it doesnt take more than 30 secs, and possibly a reboot...

i think people jump on MS a little too fast when it comes to these security holes etc... i have a feeling a few would be exploited on osx or any other OS if there were as many people looking for them (at the same time xp, makes it a bit easier with some of its default services running)

oh well, if ya got an educated user, you really cant go wrong, thats why its all just going to get better and better i say :)
Yup, and when you are running a Windows network with domain users set to Power Users or less, at the end of the day it's me who still has to make sure that every blood PC is properly patched.

Forget about expecting that users (especially in an office) will take the time nor care to maintain their own workstations...

By the way, is there any reason you are on this board other than to stir up feelings of negativity? If you have that much time on your hands, take it over to ZDNet where the Windoze and Linux folks take it out on each other...
MS should implement a feature for an administrator to automatically install updates across a network whenever they feel needed... it would make things much easier (i worked in a couple labs as a tech for a while as well)
Okay, enough, he's gotten the idea (I think).

I'd say, a year from now, you could sell a currently new 1 Ghz iMac for oh, $800-1000, so about 25-40% depreciation.
Originally posted by Devlinite
There is a feature in XP called Automatic update... People should actually use that more often! ;)

There is a feature in XP where a number of ports are left completely open... Microsoft should have actually never used that feature! ;)

Actually that is the primary problem with Windows. Microsoft ships Windows with a ton of features that the average user doesn't need enabled by default. The people (a small minority of Windows users) that these features are aimed at would know enough to enable them as they needed them. By contrast, the vast majority of users who have no need for these features are completely clueless as to how to turn these extras off.

Use Windows if you want, but be aware of the price of using any Microsoft product.

Some interesting reading:
Best of luck with your PC. :D
Originally posted by Devlinite
Us canadians, have to pay double for anything you americans get. So getting an apple is quite demotivating for its cost. So if I am going to pay alot, I expect more than a G3 or a G4. i need an Ibm G5, so it lasts me long enough.

It's not a double price. Think about Europeans. They still pay a lot more. And I got my Mac in Europe. (=a lot more).

Apples hold their value better. You get far better price for an old mac than for an old peecee. And the Apples work longer, still many people use computers that can run only classic - as they can do all they need with them, and don't need or just have money or willingness to update to X.

Now good night.
Do you recall how he argued that a wintel XP is actually cheaper than a Mac because of Warez? Funny, I use free software all day, it's called OpenSource: not something a window$ luser would have heard about clearly... :)
Dear Devlinite,

These forums actually called and if you cannot understand what their audience is by it's name let me tell you:

Apple and their products

For any reasons, logical, ethical, scientific, etc. or NOT you seem to like and actually enjoy your Wintel/Amd world and that's GOOD for you...

If you like to share YOUR fun with us, by now, you already did that in abundant ways! I would like to inform you that with the things you post here you remind the majority of people here what life forms they should avoid in any way possible! The life forms you seem to come from are the following...

Devlinite Evolution
Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

The worst part is that you actually seem to enjoy your Evolution and you are going all the way in order to become this:

You! You! You are one a heck of a TROLL!!!

Enjoy, your logical, mature, scientific, democratic, etc. visit here!

After all, TROLLS too, deserve a fair treatment in and not only Apple customers...
ok, move along. nothing more to see here. devlinite is manicdevlin and is already on the banned list. thus he is also banned under this username as well. don't expect anymore replies from him here or anywhere else. if you get one as another username, please report it.

btw - this guy has never been able to back anything up with facts, just quotes from other dell cheerleaders like himself.
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