Can't edit httpd.conf with pico?


thinking is design
When I try to edit httpd.conf from pico, and I do ^X and "Y" to save changes, it tells me "Cannot open file for writing". Any idea what's wrong?

I'm just trying to uncomment the PHP modules but can't seem to save httpd.conf when I've uncommented the appropriate lines.
Or you could use the "sudo" command, which I prefer simply because it's on a timed basis, and only requires your regular admin password (doesn't the "su" command require root be enabled and entering the root password? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

So basically it would be:
sudo pico /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
Ah, of course! Permissions! Thanks!

Hee hee, I was perplexed for a moment when I su/sudo-ed because I sat there in a panic trying to remember the root password, thinking I must have forgotten it. Then I realized I had never entered such a password since I'm using it fresh out of the box, so I had to do a little reading to figure out that

% su passwd root

is how you set one. Then I could su/sudo.

Thanks again. ;)
sorry about that.
I ment to write sudo.
Thats what I get for spending 50% of my day working with Solaris instead of OS X:(
With sudo, you don't need root account/password...

Hmm...I thought it asked me for the root password before it executed the command...perhaps I'm remembering wrong...perhaps it asked for my user account password?
As you can see, I'm totally new to OSX. So my user account that I set up right out of the box has Admin priviledges, is that right? So sudo asks for an Admin password (for which my user account counts as valid) while su asks for the root's password? Am I getting this at all or am I way off?

Side question: I uncommented both mod_php4 lines in httpd.conf and restarted Apache. Then I created a test.php file in my Sites directory with a simple <?php echo "hello world"; ?> and I'm not getting the echo when I run test.php from a browser. Am I missing a step somewhere?
Nevermind the php question, I got it to work, so now I've just got the first question in the last post still standing.