Can't Export from iMovie


Hello to all,

I'm trying to make my first movie (and subsequently first DVD) from iMovie.

I'm using iMovie 8 and iDVD 7.0.4.

I've downloaded some Mp4 clips from YouTube and imported them into iMovie via "File -> Import Movies". The clips are in the right order and play fine in iMovie.

When, however, I attempt to export the newly created movie, nothing happens. I click on "Share", but all subsequent options are greyed out. Nothing is selectable.

I've tried a number of things and read through everything I can find in the PDF included with the software (plus some Google searching), but can't get past this problem.

When I imported the clips I went with the default settings presented. Did I perhaps go wrong there?

Can anyone help further? The clips I've selected to work with are the higher definition Mp4 clips in this series:

Thanks in advance for your help.
Okay, if Im right iMovie'08 did not include a very useful export interface. What your experiencing was normal for this version, although I cannot remember on how to fix it. My best suggestion would be to ditch the '08 version and upgrade to '09. You'll see a whole new look and new options, including a completely separate export option.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, I just havent seen this for awhile and no longer have an old '08 computer around to work on.
Hi, Michael,

Thanks for your help. I've sorta been successful in the interim (I can get an export now, but am having problems with scale once I burn the DVD), so with keep trying to fiddle things.

I don't really want to upgrade at this time as I have some other things to pay for and this is most likely just a one off project. I'm not really into film editing as such. But thanks for the suggestion nonetheless - I'll keep it in mind for the future.

Thanks again for your reply. Much appreciated.