Cat-out-of-Bag: iPod 2.0 with PDA touch screen!


Senior Member & Tech Guru
Apple may announce on Monday that it may be releasing before MacWorld Expo NY, a modified version of the $499 10GB iPod, possibly at $599 (only a hundy more!) and with a new LCD touch-screen with an onscreen keyboard for input; it would add all of the core Contact Organizer options (address book, calendar, to-do list, plus notes) and would be able to Sync to OS X desktop but would *not* allow third-party applications to run on it (nor other Apple applications at this point in time -- the processor is too slow). Actual release date unknown.

Here and here are the links to the possible upcoming press releases!
The preceding post concerning the fictitious iPod 2.0 is -- unfortunately -- NOT true and is not in any way intended to be actual factual information. IT IS PURELY AN APRIL FOOL'S JOKE. I have NO information whatsoever about Apple's wonderful iPod -- although I DO wish that it were true, believe me!

Happy pre-April Fool's Day!! (After all, if I posted this thread precisely on the 1st, it'd be a dead give way ... you're all too clever, right!? ;)
I cover all my bases:

I spread blood on my door (my wife really hates this) and I run around chasing little bunnies (that could be the 'shrooms). JUST KIDDING! Haven't done Hallucinogens since the '80s!! Oh, my days at BU. They taught me soo much.:D

I also keep a Festivus (The Festival for the Rest of us) Pole up year 'round. Our "Airing of Grievances" ceremonies can get quite animated...