Choppy Diablo II


I have an imac (the flatscreen one at 800mhz) and Diablo II. Though that game runs really choppy. Unless I turn everything off, it'll be fine. But even in the standard video options (640x480 rez, normal effects) the game will run choppy and begin to slow down if there is too much action on screen.

I don't understand this since Unreal Tournament runs with all the effects on max and runs as smooth as a baby's bottom.

I don't think its a RAM issue (I'm maxed out at 1gig). So is there any way to fix this problem? Anyone else have any similar issues?
to put it simple... diablo2 is a very complex game... the macosx port was a big favor to us by blizzard. your hardware is superb, the code, however for the d2 osx patch is not. in a few months diablo 2 version 1.1 willl be out and it will most likely have all the fixes we have been waiting for.
Originally posted by satanicpoptart
to put it simple... diablo2 is a very complex game... the macosx port was a big favor to us by blizzard. your hardware is superb, the code, however for the d2 osx patch is not. in a few months diablo 2 version 1.1 willl be out and it will most likely have all the fixes we have been waiting for.

I don't have the OSX patch. I use it in 9. Though if an update is expected soon, then I can wait and hope that Blizzard fixes these problems. Choppy graphics ruin games.
hmm i never had chopyness in 9... uermmm, curing the problem is as simple as seting everytihing to low... makes it look shity but its still fun i guess.
Uhm, yeah... that would be bad.

I am running on an 8600/300 with a Voodoo 5, and it runs just fine except some chops when I have perspective turned on. This is with the stock CPU mind you.

A 7300/G4/400 with a Voodoo 3 runs it even better, except it only has 96MB of RAM, which then manages to hit the swap too often and slow performance occasionally when it has to load from disk.

Are you sure you aren't having it run using the Software renderer? Even then it should run fine on a new machine like that, but it is worth looking into.
I have the same machine- I had to change the settings to software mode in both 9 and x.2.... It was so disappointing after upgrading to the imac from a G4 450 AGP. Diablo II ran beautifully on that machine, it blew my PC using and fellow Diablo II nut brother away.