how do i know if "Classic" Mode is even installed on my mac i saw nothing in the installer DVD for Classic Mode os is Leopard PowerPC
This is not true. MacOS X 10.0 shipped with the latest MacOS 9 CD. Having purchased MacOS 9 separately, I had mixed feelings about it. I seem to recall that MacOS X 10.1 also shipped with the latest version of MacOS 9, but that was more than a decade ago. My memory fades and I can't locate my discs to make sure....
The Classic environment never shipped with any OS X install CD or DVD. ...
i do have a OS 9.2.2 CD and DMG image cant i just install inside OS X? or dual boot?Again, Classic support was removed in 10.5 (Leopard), so if you need Classic, you will need to downgrade to an older version of OS X.
I get to correct the esteemed EDCC. (doesn't happen very often)
Classic support is included in the default OS X install, up to OS X 10.5 (Leopard) when Apple removed that support.