Classic to be disabled in panther?

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I work for an IT division of a state university, and while im one of the major go to guys for mac problems, my boss heard from someone that classic is going to be disabled in panther. Is there any truth to this? I try to keep on top of all mac rumors that i can, but this is one that i DEFINATELY havent heard.

Doubt it. Classic is still a necessary bridge for new OS X users migrating from OS 9. It got much better with Jaguar, so I doubt they would disable it. There might not be much new development in the technology, but I seriously doubt Apple would pull it (yet)...

I've heard rumors to the contrary, actually, that speculate that Classic will reside in a disk image that will be loaded when necessary, instead of an actual live OS 9 system folder.
Thats what i thought, and in everything that i have been reading, NOTHING said ANYTHING about killing classic. That would make absolutely no sense at all.

I can understand not giving the machines the option to boot into 9, because of hardware restrictions.

Anyone else hear anything about this?
are they disabling the classic environment or the ability to boot to OS 9?
I wouldn't feel that they could possibly disable OS 9 completely unless it's on new machines or through a firmware update.
I'd really hope that they don't cill the classic environment (although I think I've never used it since ICQ got carbonized a few years ago :D)
There's absolutely no way that they'd kill Classic. The reason the the "education" machines (the emac) are the only ones able to boot into OS 9 is that Apple realizes that with school budgets the way they are, districts can't afford new software (OS X and it's apps)...disabling classic would effectively lose one of Apple's major buyers (the educational market)
See, this is what i was thinking, which is why im leaning towards it not being discontinued.

ESPECIALLY here at an educational institution.

I also heard that apple may stop offering educational discounts on software, but leave the hardware discounts.

Any ideas on that?
Originally posted by KKBFiredancer
I work for an IT division of a state university, and while im one of the major go to guys for mac problems, my boss heard from someone that classic is going to be disabled in panther. Is there any truth to this? I try to keep on top of all mac rumors that i can, but this is one that i DEFINATELY havent heard.

Sounds to me like someone spends too much time on rumor sites. Apple has disabled MacOS 9 booting on new computers. However, that does not mean that they cannot run MacOS 9 applications. Most run just fine in the Classic environment. MacOS X 11.0 is my earliest guess for the demise of Classic and that is a WAG.
Worst case scenario:
Apple disables Classic completely...

So what? Even Quark is around the corner... OS X is stable enough and has more software... OS X supports almost all G3 and G4 Macs... And version 10.2.x is running Classic more than enough!

Legacy software and hardware should update one day, you know? If not to Panther at least they could update to Jaguar! :cool: And even if they will not and that legacy stuff has more than what its customers need/want/care, power to them! :p :rolleyes:

:D ;) :)
Originally posted by hulkaros
Worst case scenario:
Apple disables Classic completely...

So what?
Were you not paying attention to what people were saying in here?

Many educational clients of Apple's are still using machines that boot into OS 9 because their budgets do not allow for them to buy new versions of their third party software. I've had a lot of contact with different schools and many of them use software that is more than two to four years old because they (a.) cannot afford new software, (b.) cannot afford (time or money) to train teachers and staff to use new software, and/or (c.) don't want to go through the hassles of migrating data to new apps or new and radically different versions of apps. My mother works for a school and while they do have new machines (three years old or newer--and that is new for schools) they are still using a number of software packages that were written when OS 7.5 was still the "new" operating system. And they don't update for all of the reasons that I listed above.

And to just take a moment to address what you said about Quark, do you have much contact with big design houses? There are a huge number of them that have not yet upgraded to Quark XPress 5, and probably would not even plan on doing so for an other year or so. Do you think to them that Apple dumping Classic would be a "so what?" I could enumerate the reasons why this is so but it has already been done in nearly every Mac or design magazine out there so I'll leave you to look it up for yourself.
Originally posted by hulkaros
Worst case scenario:
Apple disables Classic completely...

So what? Even Quark is around the corner... OS X is stable enough and has more software... OS X supports almost all G3 and G4 Macs... And version 10.2.x is running Classic more than enough!

Legacy software and hardware should update one day, you know? If not to Panther at least they could update to Jaguar! :cool: And even if they will not and that legacy stuff has more than what its customers need/want/care, power to them! :p :rolleyes:

:D ;) :)

That may work in the private sector, but in a university or other kind of educational market, it doesnt work. If they dont even leave the classic emulation, many many teachers on campus who use older software will be left out in the dark.

Sure, then they shouldnt upgrade. Ive heard that argument too. However, eventually their hardware is going to fail.

It just seems like WAY too early for apple to kill classic altogether. Sure, quark is coming out...i didnt know that was the benchmark for hundreds of software vendors to follow.

And i love all the time i spend on rumor sites, thank you very much :rolleyes:
Come on fellas! It was just a funny posting... I even put all those smilies:
:cool: :p :D ;) :) :rolleyes:

Ok, now I will just say this:
I ::love:: you all! :D
KKBFiredancer: I think you're hearing things. First that Apple will kill Classic, then that they will drop educational discounts on software? People in education can't afford anything (except nice district offices it seems), sales would decrease dramatically if they dropped those discounts. And besides, lots of people still haven't even upgraded to X yet, so Apple really can't kill Classic without repercussions.

hulk: ::ha:: ::ha::!
Originally posted by arden
KKBFiredancer: I think you're hearing things. First that Apple will kill Classic, then that they will drop educational discounts on software? People in education can't afford anything (except nice district offices it seems), sales would decrease dramatically if they dropped those discounts. And besides, lots of people still haven't even upgraded to X yet, so Apple really can't kill Classic without repercussions.

hulk: ::ha:: ::ha::!

See, thats what i was saying. I was just wondering if anyone had heard that classic support was being terminated.

Normally with rumors like that, i pretty much discount them, but i wanted to make sure that i knew as much about it as i could before i let my boss know. Budgets for software have to be decided soon, and if classic isnt supported, it will drasticly affect out need to migrate to 10.3 across campus.
How much of a discount is there for Windows software? That should determine the educational discount for Mac software.
I think the confusion here is just spilling over from the removal of dual-boot.

No more Classic boot.

Long live Classic environment.
SO like, when I get my PowerBook (soon) I cant boot into classic?! Is there a way to boot into classic?! I love 9, but I love X, but a world without 9 is a life in hell! Yeh, the classic enviorment is cool but what do I do If I need to boot into classic?
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