Cleaning Up my Mac


Hey, I have a PowerBook G4 867 15 Inch and recently I have been having some problems such as crashing and very loud "skipping" noises from the slot loading cd-rw drive (combo).

I basically want to see if there is anything I can run on my computer to check everything out or something similar to defrag or disc checker that is Shareware, already on my comp or relativly cheap. I want to do this for OS 9 and 10.2.6

Thanks alot
It's best not to bump your thread like this :)

Open up disk utility and run repair disk permissions. That should fix the crashing.
Run Norton Utilities 8.0 or DiskWarrior 3.0 from the CD, that'll let you fix any problems that might have occurred, and Norton, after you've repaired any damage that might have occurred over the course of using your computer has SpeedDisk, which let's you defragment & optimize your hard drive. I've definitely noticed things return to normal after running a DiskDoctor/SpeedDisk session. The only problem being, of course, that Norton Utilities is $100, but of course that's the price we pay for Apple not including a more robust disk repair/defrag utility. Oh well.
I'd go for Diskwarrior 3. Make sure it's version 3 (native to OS X). People have had numerous problems with Norton Utilities, myself included.

You can also reboot, holding down command-S. You'll see white text on black background. When the boot process is finished, type

fsck -y [and then press return]

You may have to run fsck more than once. If fsck reports that THE FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED, run it again.

Type 'reboot' [and press return] when you're finished.

Fsck is not as robust as Diskwarrior, however.
