Color Key for Pro Keyboard!!



I Like it~~~~~~~

More in this Homepage~~~
I think it's kinda ugly myself. Those keys stick out like a sore thumb and literally look like an afterthought (which I guess technically they are). I have a Japaenese keyboard that is in the shape of a big green dinosaur (no not Barney) with colorful keys, but the keys tend to match the overall theme of the keyboard so they don't seem so out of place like those in the picture. Guess I'm just too old ;)
Originally posted by hazmat
Look around the site. The product descriptions are almost completely unintelligible.

One gets the distinct impression (or hope) that they are not native English speakers. It almost reads like it was fed through an automatic translator. It's actually kinda amusing to read, in a trainwreck sorta way.

btw, did anyone notice how the N part of their logo looks a lot like the Nintendo logo used on the N64? (I realize that there are differences, but from a distance, they look darn close).
Yeah, it reads like those old software manuals in the 80s. I think this company is in China. But actually, I think it's more than amusing. That one in particular is freakin' hilarious. :D
"Air pad sole like the photograph adjusting to the base of Apple Pro Mouse, please peel the seal which has been attached to the paste surface, paste securely.

This time, the base of the mouse there is no rubbish and the soiling, please make the sea urchin clean."

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH is this place for real? Look at all the useless crap they sell! They are trying to rip people off. They sell a sticker to put on the bottom of your mouse? HAHAHAHHAHA

That guy that came here and started this topic works for these scam artists. Some of the crap they have on that site is unbelieveable! HAHA
Yup, reading some of the other descriptions is a laugh riot. What do you have against clean sea urchins anyway ;)

The domain is registered to a company in Menlo Park CA. I can only hope that this is someones idea of a joke. Perhaps a demonstration site to show off some web design or ecommerce suite?
The Steel Cover for iPod which can do the dressing changing of iPod. As for the color 'Piano Black', After driving out the stainless steel plate of 0.5mm, section was increased d politely. The composition plane of iPod, in order not to damage iPod with contact with the metal.

Do the dressing changing of the iPod! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

that is hilarious, my new favorite site!!!
yeah, and also the keyboard really does suck, i expect u to make no money off of it. But i did see a usb fan to cool you, which can be a mousepad too, i liked that. But i really think it sucks duck.
just make sure you check out the cork pit durama.

Natural cork 100%, volume impression fully lovely base cutting spherical body iPod dedicated cradle. Button operation is possible easily even with while holds iPod securely with the natural material cork, is put. Damage is not done to either iPod itself completely with handmade of the cork craftsman who becomes skillful. Heat dissipation and the preeminence, electrification ratio almost with 0% protect iPod even from the static electricity