Congrats to Ak!!

Excellent work Phill. I have an idea for the music. Here it is roughly. I'm running short on staff paper but I'm sure you can follow.

I Am the Lurker by Phill Wood

| A - - - | | G - - - | |D - - - | |E - - - | |A - - - | |G - - - |
Yellow matter custard; dripping from a dead dog's eye.
|F - - -| |F - - -|
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
|B - - - | |B - - - | |B - - - | |B - - - |
boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
|C - - - | |C - - - | |D - - - | |D - - - |
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
|E - - - | |E - - - |
I am the lurker; goo goo g'joob.

|B - - - | |A - - -| |G - - - | |F - - - | |E - - - |
Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.
|E - - - | |F - - - |
If the sun don't come, you get a tan
|F - - - | |B - - - | |B - - - |
From standing in the English rain.
|C - - - | |C - - - | |D - - - | |D - - - |
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
|E - - - | |E - - - | |D - - - |
I am the lurker; goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.

dlookus, Gudzyk's a beeeut. Cute stubby tail. Was it chopped or is like that for the breed?
dlookus - thanks for sharing the cool pup with us. I hope you will show us more from time to time. watching him grow should be great. I think you have done well in being a dog dad at least:)

tolya - I am not exposing myself to the deep reaches of your mind. However, if i did, i would be able to handle it. despite popular opinion, insanity is not contagious. btw - i dont't do analysis. while i do expect to do some long term therapy eventually (i did relatively long term therapy during my pre-internship training), i will probably never approach it from the analytic perspective. besides you are too much fun to joke with ;)

Phil - you really are in cahoots with Bill Gates, aren't you? shame on you for stealing lyrics like that. :rolleyes:

and Klink, i can't believe you - helping him!! obviously Phil has been implanting subliminal messages in his posts and with you being so tired lately you succumbed to them.:p

and if anybody brings up Mozilla in this thread I'm gonna punch 'em:D :rolleyes:
Ok, I plead guilty Ed. But he slipped me a mickey in the bounce room, that bastard. He disguised it as a frickin donut! :eek:

Oh my head. :eek:
I am not claiming that I am insane Ed ;-)
Just what you find in my mind would make a (normal) person insane :p lol

now what the hell is a mickey ? :p

Somebody fill me in on what the fireworks were all about yesterday. Things got so bad a thread got yanked? I miss all the fun.

Dunno if they chopped her tail. I imagine they did.
not a real war yet. just a good basic training simulation war game at this point. it is just so tiring being a one man army. The chain of command is pretty simple but the ambushes are pretty hard to foresee without a scouting party.:D :rolleyes:
We've had a cold war of sorts, with Admin arbitrating, and closing off relations. To combat this, Ed has used Cuba, otherwise known as "Follow the bouncing thread". Now it appears the the US, known as solarac has chosen to not recognize the cuban government.:D

Not to infer that anyone is the good or bad person though...

If only life was a little more like James Bond.

you know Phil, i am not sure if solrac would recognise his own face if it wasn't in a mirror. while doing a search for the old "which browser do you use" thread, i ran across a poll i started called "for solrac..". He is the person who suddenly showed up here SHOUTING for everybody to burn their os 9 cd's and go to osx. he advocated stealing software and "doing whatever it takes" to make the transition. after that poll, in which i think everybody but Tolya used osx as a default, he went pretty quiet for a while. he made some intelligent posts and seemed to fit in finally. so much so that i forgot all about it.

It really is not my fault that he sets himself up to look stupid. I think the guys that have been talking for weeks about chimera, were more upset that he didn't know they had been discussing it, than i was that he insulted me.:p It was pretty cool to see them jump in on my side, so to speak.

Tolya - a mickey is a pill or powder that knocks you out. or just makes you so intoxicated you'll do just about anything. There is a specific drug associated with it but i don't remember what it is. I don't think they make it anymore. but the idea of getting "slipped a mickey" is still applied to drugs that are put into people's drinks. I'm not sure if it is used for date rape drugs or not. I know almost nothing about them.

also, what makes you assume i am a normal person?:D
Ed I just though of something, are you (going to be) a clinical psychologists (with medicines and all that) or the non medicine kind ??? :p
(I thought of this right AFTER you explanation of a mickey :p)
he he

Tolya, i am going to be a psychologist and not a psychiatrist. psychiatrists are doctors (med school) and are the only ones who can prescribe medications. at least for now. there is considerable talk about giving us prescribing priviledges for psychotropic meds if certain additional education is received.

i wouldn't bother with that. i am not much of a supporter for curing our problems with chemicals. i spent a lot of my life trying to do that and it just didn't work. i don't think the ones they prescribe are a whole lot better. I think meds (the term for legal drugs) are often helpful in stabilizing individuals but can be counterprodutive when they become a crutch.

so this explains my lack of off my head knowledge of meds or drugs i have no experience with. but i do need to know certain things about the common psychotropic meds being used today. like how to moniter and recognise side effects, lack of main effects (ie - are they working), and the potential dangers of common interactions (like lithium and alcohol are a bad mix). mostly i carry this little book with me and just spend some time reading the important parts to my clients about their meds and then we discuss how these things apply to them. I resisted doing that at first but gradually realized how important it was to my clients because psychiatrists generally just give them the drugs and tell them to take them. Many know nothing about them untill i educate them.

so don't worry, i won't be in charge of medicating anyone:D
"my clients"? Ed, I thought you weren't licensed as a psychologist.


can one be licensed to practice paganism? :D
i can see clients - as a psychologist in training or just a therapist. I just cannot at any time imply that i am a licensed psychologist already. I suppose since i am not seeing any clients right now, i should have said 'former clients'.

and actually one can be licensed to practise paganism. Our priests and priestesses are legally recoginized as ordained clergy and thus can get licenses and perform marriages and all that. :)

(thought you were making a joke, didn't you?:D )
Well vo-di-o-do.
I did not know that Ed *in my best Carson imitation*.

Seriously, I wasn't aware that you can practice as a therapist without a license of some sorts. How much education and or 'field work' does an individual need in order to practice?

Shows how much I know about Paganism. Been meaning to look into this a bit more out of curiosity in what my friend Ed believes in. Good to know, aye?

I found this definition somewhat humorous...

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):

Pagan \Pa"gan\, a. [L. paganus of or pertaining to the country,
pagan. See Pagan, n.]
Of or pertaining to pagans; relating to the worship or the
worshipers of false goods; heathen; idolatrous, as, pagan
tribes or superstitions.

That Webster dude, he's so kooky. Using the defining word in a definition. :eek:

Don't feel inclined to expound Ed. :p

Expect more jokes. I'm realizing I use this as a release after some above average stress. ;)
I might actually be funny tonight.
klink - speaking of jokes, shouldn't you be at work at herve's? I remember something about a daily laugh in the hiring clause:D

oh i can't help myself but to expand upon the definition. first pagan was originally a term used to define people who lived outside of cities. It became synonimous with non-christians because these people were the last to be christianized. A heathen is actually a 'person of the hearth'. again another way of saying country folk.

If you ever go out on the web looking to find out about paganism, be warned that there is a lot of crap about it out there. among all that crap you can find some pretty legitimate sites. my best hint - if the site is done in all black with skulls and shit and a copy of every formal 'witches creed' and 'witches motto' etc., it probably has little to do with my faith. any teen with a metallica shirt can call themselves a pagan or a witch.

speaking of which (this is really punny), did anybody else catch that post of herve's where he said he analized my posts and the important word was "which". and did you get he was referring to me as a 'witch' when he did that? Herve, that was a good one!! the old which witch trick:p
Ed this is like hide and go seek. You post there, I post here. I post there, you post here. Tag your it! Now go to bed. :eek: :p

Herve's? I lied on my application. Ooops. :D

Ok, I'll watch for those pagan posers.

Herve had me scratching my head on that one. He's so clever and crafty. My favorite one so far was the animal crackers of tismey's awards show. I cracked for a couple of days on that.
But sheesh, I never know when he's serious or not now.
Tag Klink is it :p

Hey Ed, I was really hoping you could get some drugs cause klink seems to be high strung :D

We need to get him to relax...or wait...even better yet :p lets take him on a mediterranean vacation, get him una bella ragazza italiana, that should cool him :D

Seriously though, I cant wait till summer. Its wednesday and I am happy :p usually weds I am so tired and like "oh my god when will this week end already>?!" lol :p

I feel so energized :D

hmmm...where is phil and herve ?!....

ok, these games have always confused me. my son tries to do this with me. if klink tagged me, then it is me who tags the next person and sometimes there are no tag backs. so technically tolya's tag f klink doesn't count. but since i am it and i am next to tolya, i can tag him.

so Tolya, tag you're it:D

i do think feeding klink would be a good way to calm him down. i have noticed 'stuffed klink' is much more relaxed.

pagan posers - good description of them. eventually they play around with some shit that is bigger than they are that they haven't a clue how to handle and they go running back to jesus. then they put up websites telling about how lost they were as pagans. some of them can be more self rightious and more pathetic than ex druggies and alcoholics.

so klink, do you have it set so you don't appear when you are on site? you seem to just post out of nowhere and be gone and then come back without my ever seeing any signs of you but your posts.:p
klink's a ghost man :p
YOu haven;t figured that out yet ? ;)

Hey I got feedback from the person I sent the CD to :D She likes the compilation a lot :D

now...I am conflicted....where should I post my BeOS nag photo ? :p

no phil in here, or herve in ages :eek: ... we need to revitalize the show, get some sponsors ;)
