Congrats to Ak!!

I thought I was being original when I said "life goes on in search of another" ...dang
with the exact wording you probably were. maybe you should write one with that line in it. I want backstage passes when it's a hit and you tour. there's just so many songs about life goes on - eg. - " goes on and on and on and on" so many searching songs - eg.-" ..searching for a home and i hope she finds it..." so many songs about another - eg. - " i could never dance with another, whoooo, when i saw her standing there.." (theed, run down the artist info on these would you? I know who the last two are but can't place the 1st one. We'll see just how good, and how old, you really are with the last 2)

As for zaza he posted some other non sence post too so I guess it might have been a carryover from here or the other way around lol.
yea, i finally saw some other herve posts too. I also wonder if they come and read in on this thread because they've already lost it, or if after reading this, they run screaming incoherently to the nearest other thread and release the madness created here. It's tough to tell.:D

I think you got the theed thing right. but he'll be back because he can't live with her either :p

had some very good chili for dinner. but those apples still sound good with the caramal sauce. thanks for reminding me zaza.
I've never even tried chili :) (although I do like spicy stuff).

As for theed, and in general, Dr Admiral PhD of psychology here to analyze you, just PM me :p (no mob bosses please :p)

Dr Admiral PhD of psychology here to analyze you, just PM me
good thing you are not in the states. impersonating a psychologist is a crime. (for real.) And just to protect myself from any misundertanding, I am a graduate student in psychology, I am not a psychologist yet and my participation in this or any other thread does not constitute therapy nor do i presume the role of therapist. likewise, others should not assume i am acting in a professional therapist 's role at any time. the way i run a therapy session does not resemble this or any other thread in any way. However it would be almost impossible for me to avoid bringing parts of that aspect of myself into any lengthy conversation. This just makes me a better online friend (i hope). Better as compared to to myself without the added knowledge i have now, not better as compared to other online friends.

my obsession with music and who wrote which songs stems from my past when i owned and operated a free entertainment rag in a large midwestern city (well, smaller than Chicago or Cleveland, but larger than Fort Wayne or Kalamazoo). I spent 7 years going to concerts, writing reviews of shows and albums. I consider myself to be something of a minor expert on 70's/80's rock music as a result of this part of my life. i also think song lyrics are very reflective of common shared experiences and give expression to our personal feelings in a safe way. Plus some of them have some great advice in them, while others foster codependency and abusive behaviors. The theme songs we choose for our lives really do reflect and influence who we are.

"Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done..."
- Kansas
"Get over it...."
- Eagles
Holly ...:eek:
This is the first time I have seen legaleze on here lol. I am not professing to be a psychologist (for real)...just joshing around :p (although I do offer friends advice lol).

Good thing my location is classified he he ;)

Take it easy one will turn you in...or me...or...theed ? where the heck are you ?

This is the first time I have seen legaleze on here
you obviously haven't been following the petition threads over in general discussion:D

as for my disclaimer, i just figured it was a good idea to throw it in. I can always say folks had a fair opportunity to know about it. I really could be kept from becoming licensed someday for practicing without a license now if someone just thought that because i am a therapist by profession that my advice was somehow worth more than that of others. this has really happened to people in the past. theed has been talking about being depressed, which really does fall under my area of professional expertise but one in which i cannot get involved on a level that even immitates a professional relationship. some people might make the assumption that because i am a psych grad student, then i can help. We really do have very strict laws and ethical rules about this in the USA. I use my real name here and I just want to protect myself. You can be Dr. whoever you want to be. :p ( i can't, not yet)

btw, the dancing monkey boy was great!! is that site yours, or a friends? Is that by chance you in the fetish vid? dark stuff. very existential. stirred an emotional response in me. i'm a strong believer in soul searching. long dark nights of the soul and all that. i believe one can only grow thru confronting one's experience. very good stuff.

hmm, i've just tried sending this reply and twice gotten back message - server "" is unknown. very strange.

must have been my dsl modem. i turned it off and on and now all works fine.
spare me the psycho babble doc :p

As for the site, I wish I could claim credit, I fount it on a PDA forum strangelly enough lol.

No balmer fetishes :p...all my energy tehse days is expended on trying to find that perfect someone (and passing my classes :p)

babble, babble, babble
this is an area of personal expertise:D

yea, passing classes. a lot like passing gas. lots of pressure build up till its done and then you feel so much better.:p

also hard to spend much quality time around women while you're doing it:(
my dad's advice, that i was too impatient to take when i was young - "take care of your education and the girls will come to you". which translated means - others are drawn to success. dad was a vp for a major stove manufacturer who died on the job of a heart attack. It took me a long time to figure out there are ways to succede without having to work that hard. Getting the education helps.
it was the lamenting about love lost that made me think it could be you in the vid. gotta learn to love yourself first if anybody else is going to be able to love you. (yet another of my mid thirties revelations.)

nobody broke anything on any computer in the house today so it has been a good one here. i even slept til noon.

"developers, developers, developers, developers"
-dancing monkey boy
sorry for your dad man :(
As for looking for a girl and doing class stuff while posting on here...well thats just called multitasking ;) -- I think I am pretty good at it :p

My father always tells me to work hard now and I can enjoy life later....but later when ? When I am 60, old, cant walk 1 km without a cane and most importantly cant have....well you know what ;-)

Carpe diem my friend...carpe diem, that's all that matters. No one knows what lies beyond death, no one knows what lies beyond tomorrow. It is the only logical course of action :)
My father always tells me to work hard now and I can enjoy life later....but later when ? When I am 60, old, cant walk 1 km without a cane and most importantly cant have....well you know what ;-)

yea, that was always my response too. i couldn't argue with you on that one even if i wanted to. of course, we still don't have to get to that point. My stepdad just passed 70 and he plays 18 holes of golf 2-3 times a week, bowls 2-3 times a week, and is in better shape than some 20 year olds. He doesn't like to hang around "old people".:D

i take it we must be entertaining admin, he hasn't moved us yet!! I thought we would have been banished to all thoughts non technical long ago. of course maybe he's just been too busy playing with colors and thinking up the name change to bother with it :p or maybe the policy is that if original post is enough on target, then thread can progress however the fates take it.

"....cause only the good die young"
-more billy joel
golf ??
no way I am doing that when I grow old :p

The admin is a good guy :)
Unless something is vulgar he doesnt do anything :)
He is just one of us, one of the dudes :)
hey, it doesn't have to be golf. for you it could be surfing or mountain climbing, or kayaking or whatever. but i guarentee that if you did play golf as much as he does when you reach that age, you will be in very good shape. finding women will not be a problem :p having you know what will not likely be a problem either. you might end up dying in your sleep, but not neccessarily in bed:D

"viva las vegas, viva las vegas"
maybe in norway it's a Juletre,
but this one is at my house so it's a yule tree.
I celebrate yule, not xmas. my kid loves it. he gets his presents 4-5 days earlier than other kids plus he gets an extra day or two off from school.
besides i'm american. i can bastardize anything i want to. (which one is the tongue-in-cheek smilie?)

ok theed. i saw you posting elsewhere today. better stop in and catch us up on what's been going on with your bad self.

"tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la"
hey Ak, have you heard? simX doesn't like coffee. I guess there goes the great coffee giveaway idea.:D

"sometimes the light's all shining on me,
other times i can barely see,
and lately it occurs to me
what a long, strange trip it's been"
life goes on and on and on and on ... I was thinking that's an REO Speedwagon song, but my REO Speedwagon is all analog and very much packed away and I don't feel like rumaging through it.

As for my time elsewhere, I have to tell you, I read slow. It took me a good chunk of time just to read back up to here. ... that, and I was having crying girlfriend issues. We're a little closer now, a lot of my previous issue which was making me want to peruse Admiral's leftovers was a classic male / female miscommunication. In short it revolves around the followng precept:

Women find a problem, and being mostly verbal, want to talk about it. For women talking is the solution. We had talked brieflly previously about a problem and I had it filed under my mental (problem solved pending chronological events) category and felt it needed no more discussion because ...

Men do not tend to associate talking with solving. Talking about a problem is sometimes even hindering to the thought processes of the male for problem solving. I didn't want to talk any more about the problem, she thought I was avoiding it, I thought it was essentially solved. She was talking and I just didn't hear what she really meant due to this fundamental miscommunication.

So now, with crying girlfriend issues straightened out, I respectfully withdraw myself from the girlfriend search, and give due females to their rightful owner (or something like that) AdmiralAK.

... and I am not Norwegian. Thanks for asking. I'm gonna go play some starcraft now and then program a little more in java cocoa.
glad you're back theed and that things are better. you really gotta watch that guy/girl communication thing. i know all about it too and still end up in trouble over it all the time:D it's really hard to remember, isn't it? being a guy comes so darn naturally.
'life goes on and on and..." - don't think that was reo. could it be 10cc? or even little river band? besides now we know you're closer to my age than to Ak's. packed away records & tapes. got about 3-4 crates of 'em myself. plan on putting some of the rare ones on disc using spin doctor as soon as i can get the used turntable set up and working. (estimate late 2002 to early 2004 at the rate i'm moving on it)
sounds like you had an reo weekend though - "riding the storm out...".
are you going to invite us to the wedding so we will send presents?:D

whatcha programming? are we all gonna be able to say we knew you when?

ksv is the nord.
can I say that? is it ok to call someone from norway, which is a nordic country, a nord?:D

"i heard it, i heard it , i heard it on the x"
- zz top
Good to see you back ;)
(although I have to say off the bat that I am the owner of no woman, nor will I ever be :p slavery sint my thing ;) )

As for communication, I think its the essential first step to solving problems because through communication you get an understanding and with an understanding you have parameters for which to solve your problems.

The problem with me and my X was that she would have problems, I would listen, regurgitate the info she just gave me just to see if I got it all correctly and propose a solution (like an independent consulatant lol) The problem was that she was SO set in her ways that she was unwilling to change her ways in order to solve a problem, she would have prefered that the world change for her some point I just shut myself out and said to her "if you want to be that way, you are going to fail, you need to open up your eyes and consider new posibilities"....of course she did not :p

well, i know i didn't want to show my face around here again til i fixed that ugly signature:D

Ak - you got the communication thing down perfectly up to the point where you propose the solution !! that's the time to shut up and let her figure it out!!! gotta make 'em think that change is their idea. ask questions that lead them to 'think differently' about the situation. of course some people will never be able to see past the mirror and there is little you can do but walk away. (do not attempt strangling at this point - lol)

theed - i just wish i could remember one more line to that song. i'm stuck on "and on and on...."

"is anybody out there..."
-pink floyd
lol ;)
I could do that except she kept nagging about telling her what I thought what she should do :p

The problem is that she could not part from her saturday and sunday night clubbing (she was having troubles in school, time problems-not enought time). I told her, lay off teh clubbing till you get the work done, THEN go and have fun...she did not want to do that and nagged some more lol...

Trust me, no matter HOW much I hinted with questions about giving up clubbing, this girl would not. Its like clubbing is in her blood or something :p
