Console warnings and Registry entry issue?


Some of the "Warnings" from Console-

doubleTwist[61799] Warning Unknown class 'DTSharingPreferencesController', using 'NSObject' instead. Encountered in Interface Builder file at path /Applications/

doubleTwist[61799] Warning Unknown class 'DTSharingPreferencesController', using 'NSObject' instead. Encountered in Interface Builder file at path /Applications/

uTorrent[61882] Warning networkReachabilityDidChange: NSConcreteNotification 0x376510 {name = BitTorrentNetworkReachabilityDidChangeNotification; object = 1}

Now while I am trying to learn about this stuff on my own time when I can, I really still only have poked my nose outside the front door while many of you are already swimming in the pond so to speak lol. I don't like it when my computer feels it should Warn me, Then I feel warned and worry and blah. what is the problem here? I did a little surfing and found a forums where a guy had posted his console and his had many of the same warnings I had and a forum admin (or something like that) told him the problem lies in your IDE/ SATA drivers... and that has the answers... um idk what any of that means lol I did however find

+-o AppleIntelPIIXATARoot <class AppleIntelPIIXATARoot, id 0x0, !r$

in my registry and the end part "!r$" i am thinking is not good? The other entries didn't end that way... help me out you techies! Please! if you need me to post more reg or console entries lemme know, thanks guys!

oh and here is what I got
Processor Name: Intel Core Duo
Processor Speed: 2 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 2 MB
Memory: 2 GB
Bus Speed: 667 MHz
Boot ROM Version: MB11.0061.B03
SMC Version (system): 1.4f12
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First of all, you don't have a "registry"... this is not Windows.

Second of all, of those three "warnings" you posted at the beginnging, I don't see anything that would be cause for alarm. Many, many, many pieces of software write "warning" messages to the system log -- but that does NOT mean that anything is working incorrectly, or that there should be ANY cause for alarm.

For example, a piece of software may iterate through a list of open windows in order to find the one you're looking for. If no windows are open, a console log message may be written saying, "Warning: expecting an array of windows, but no windows exist."

Nothing about that is alarming nor alludes to any kind of error: it's just the program handling that specific situation (no windows are open) gracefully.

Are you experiencing any specific kinds of anomalies with your system that would cause you to go looking for a problem, or are you just poking around in the Console on a perfectly working machine and want to gain a greater understanding of those messages?
I began looking because double twist recognizes my iPod as Read-only and it annoys me... then I kinda got off on a tangent looking through the console to maybe see why and... ya. Pokin around I guess, just trying to make sure it's alright :P Here is why I had began to poke

console msg:
dgprobe32: open '/dev/rdisk4s1' failed, No such file or directory failed to create repository for device Apple iPod
And I said registry because well, I got there using command ioreg -s, and it made me think of "regedit" in windows... seems reasonable goof for a mac newb such as myself :P
That error does seem to have something to do with DoubleTwist "taking over" control of the iPod... perhaps removing DoubleTwist entirely may solve this problem?
well I was trying to use an alternate ipod manager instead of itunes you know? iTunes reads the iPod as it should, but DT doesn't... I should be able use DT as I would itunes. On pc I used CopyTrans manager but that isn't mac compatible =/
Puts more meaning to the saying about Apple products... "it just works".

Unfortunately the same cannot be said for a lot of the 3rd party stuff.
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