convert a utf16 to utf8 to use in fopen


i am converting a ascii to utf16 using following code.

void asciitounicode(unsigned short *unicode,char *str)
char *tmpstr;
unsigned short *tmpunicode = unicode;
tmpstr = (char *)str;

while( *tmpstr!= '\0' )
*tmpunicode = (unsigned short)*tmpstr;
tmpunicode ++;
*tmpstr= '\0';

now a want to convert the utf16 to utf8 so that it can be used in fopen which supports utf8 string.

i want to open a file in korean name using fopen.
so i am converting it to utf16 .Then i want to convert utf16 to utf8 so i can use it in fopen.
Do anyone have a sample code for this?
If you're using Cocoa it's fairly easy with NSString. Just load the UTF16 data in using -initWithBytes:length:encoding: (or perhaps -initWithCString:encoding:) and then get a UTF8 version by calling UTF8String on the result.
const char * filepath = "/Volumes/TigerNew/abcd";
unsigned short *unifilepath;
NSString *nstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:unifilepath length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

fopen([nstr UTF8String],"r");

Will the above code work?
If asciitounicode() returns UTF16 data, you will need to pass UTF16 string encoding to initWithBytes. I'm not sure whether you should use NSUnicodeStringEncoding, NSUTF16BigEndianStringEncoding or NSUTF16LittleEndianStringEncoding, since I don't know exactly what asciitounicode() does.

Aside from that, yeah, that looks about right.
thank you for the information.
is there any api to convert a ascii string directly to utf16 or utf8?
UTF8 is backwards-compatible with ASCII. That means any ASCII string is valid as a UTF8 string, so there is no need to convert it.

You can also use those same NSString methods I mentioned to convert from just about any text encoding to just about any other. Check the NSString documentation for more info on the available string encodings.