Converting a pc game to a mac?


Apple Addicted
My friends have a ol' game called Bespelled in a pc version.Anyone know of the possibilties of being able to convert this to run on a mac.Or is there anyone out there who might already have the mac version? Of course if they even made one to begin with.
Unless you have the source code to the game, your chances of porting it to Mac OS are pretty much nil. You can try using a PC emulator to run it, though. If it's an old DOS game, try something like Radnor.
If it's a newer Game, you want to try something like VirtualPC. But, if it's a bit more advanced in terms of hardware specs, don't expect speed rushes. :)

If it's a DOS game, go with Radnor. The easiest way to install DOSbox on OS X.
Thanks for the ideas guys,but unlike alot of you my knowledge of DOS could be put on a head of a pin :eek: . Also I can't see them forking over more cash for Virtual Pc either at this time.We googled around for some games but almost everything is a "shooter" for crying out loud.How about something that challenges your brain,a word game or two would be nice for a quiet change.:rolleyes: