Hello all,
I'm a computer consultant/network administrator that is new to the Mac world and could use some help. I have a professional photographer client who purchased a new MacBook Pro with OS X 10.6.2.
ViewNX from Nikon would not work. After many days troubleshooting, Nikon Support suggested uninstalling ViewNX, creating a new administrative account and reinstalling under the new account.
It worked, Yippee, All is right with the world!...Well almost.
Now we have to move her mail and AddressBook from one administrative account to the new account ON THE SAME MACHINE. These last words are of extreme importance. None of the instructions I find work in this scenario.
1. copy ~/Library/Mail to the same folder of the new account.
2. copy ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist to same folder of new the account.
Those instructions work if you move them to a new computer, but if you are on the same computer the permissions are remembered and it doesn't work.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I'm a computer consultant/network administrator that is new to the Mac world and could use some help. I have a professional photographer client who purchased a new MacBook Pro with OS X 10.6.2.
ViewNX from Nikon would not work. After many days troubleshooting, Nikon Support suggested uninstalling ViewNX, creating a new administrative account and reinstalling under the new account.
It worked, Yippee, All is right with the world!...Well almost.
Now we have to move her mail and AddressBook from one administrative account to the new account ON THE SAME MACHINE. These last words are of extreme importance. None of the instructions I find work in this scenario.
1. copy ~/Library/Mail to the same folder of the new account.
2. copy ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist to same folder of new the account.
Those instructions work if you move them to a new computer, but if you are on the same computer the permissions are remembered and it doesn't work.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.