Cult of the Mac

Although Apple has a reputation for premium price points, its latest offerings are arguably more attractive and offer better value than a PC equipped with comparable features, Giga analyst Enderle noted.

the premium price for a mac has always been a better deal than an equivilent pc. i have never bought a mac that didn't come so loaded with software you couldn't do do all the basic tasks on your first boot. apple's designs have just started to make people aware of this.

I can remember how i thought it was cool that apple finally switched to seperate cpu and monitors. but almost as soon as i owned one, i wanted my old all-in-one back. eventually apple figured that out as well and now the imac rocks.:D

any imac:)
all my friends would mock me, call me crazy and laugh at me for loving my mac...i always told them that once you really try one you wont go back...lo and behold two powerbooks later one of my friends is no longer laughing and is a die hard mac user

it's all about quality...people recognize a quality product when they use one :cool:
It's just common sense :D -- My mac is 3 years old with teh same processor. It will probably last another 2 years maybe 3. Try THAT on a PeeCee :p
... the thing is, there's nothing to get cultish about with windows, unless your name is manicdvln ...
all my friends with peecees curse and swear about them constantly... they all hate microsoft, and my girlfriend, who, next to studying, works in a store that sells windows xp, amongst other things, tells me they've had loads of xp boxes returned by unhappy and annoyed customers that say they hate it and it doesn't work ... :D :D
so loving macs is pure common sense ... :)
How can people return windows to teh store (for a refund I assume) if teh box is open ? I used to work at the software department of a store and we would NEVER accept opened boxes.
... just checked with my girlfriend, she says they normally don't refund on software, unless the customer is really, really pissed, which apparently has been happening quite a lot with xp ... :D
lol ok :)

any specific reasons that they are pissed ? she must have some dang funny stoties to tell ;-)
I worked at a place that wasn't a computer place, just a convience type store. Don't want to get myself in trouble so I won't say who I worked for but they sold clothing, some food and mostly home furnishings/videogames/toys. I worked in the electronics department and we sold software but nothing good. If it was made for mac, it was old and most often we didn't sell the copy that was both platforms in one box. It was a nightmare. I did my part however by hiding the XP boxes and pushing the fact that digital cameras could just be "plugged in to a mac and work". Even though this is probably true for windows too but I didn't tell them that ;)
this line is great

In fact, so many of these sites exist that no one would fault an uninformed observer for concluding that Apple owns 95 percent of U.S. computer market share, rather than 5 percent.

Ever stop and count how many "Made on Mac" badges you find on your typical surfing day?
Originally posted by adambyte
I think it's a little of both.

The cult of common sense.

Heh heh, I like that phrase. I agree. Absolutely there is a Mac community, but if the product was poor, we wouldn't rally around it.

I think we have rallied around it because of the ignorance about the platform. People say "Macs suck" who have never used them! We've been forced to become knowledgeable and ready to reply with a truthful or evangelistic answer about misconceptions.

Relating to that article, I don't agree that Apple always listens to its customers. But they don't get an F either. They really do make a great product, you can't help loving in once you've tried it.
"There is absolutely no need in constantly bullying people because of their OS preference... jesus christ, its only a preference, if someone bought a chicken pastie, and you prefer beef pasties, do you run up to them and say 'oooooo hows your incompatible pastie? my pastie is soo much better blah blah blah' how so immature."

i have to say, that whomever came up with this analogy just made my day!
haha! :D
