Dead PowerBook?


Artifical Lifeform
Hi guys,

I have a very serious problem with my PowerBook. Tiger's installed. Today I installed VirtualPC and installed XP in it. No problem. But suddenly but Keyboard did no longer work correctly, then arrow buttons did no longer work. When I was rebooting, it only boots up into safe mode, when I try to boot from the Tiger DVD or the Powerbook G4 Restore DVD I get a Kernel Panic. When it's booting into safe mode, the Keyboard only does captial letters. I plugged in the keyboard from my iMac, that strangely works. I removed every item in /Library/StartUpItems, it was possible to boot only once normally, then it boots back into safe mode. However, the arrow keys do still not work anymore.

I have DiskWarrior, I also have the Image to create a bootable CD. I just burned this CD. It can boot from that CD, and when I want to rebuild the HD, it can't and says that the original directory is too severely damaged.

In short:
- Mac OS X does not boot up normally, only safe mode (without that I hold the Shift Key!!)
- Booting from Apple's CDs/DVDs is no longer possible, results in Kernel Panic
- DiskWarrior says the original entry of drive is too severely damaged
- Keyboard is not working properly anymore

My question:
Is there ANY way to fix this without bringing back the Laptop to the store or get it replaced?

I need this laptop as I am moving somewhere soon and I can't be without my Powerbook.....


TechTool Deluxe X boots, but also brings up the Kernel Panic.

Currently I'm downloading Niktarix, a PowerPC variant of Knoppix. I'm hoping that I'm able to wipe the hard drive with it
Do you have a second Mac around? You could try target mode to see if you can boot it there.
Can you get to open firmware?
Single-user mode? Or do even those bring panics?
(And even reset PRAM, NVRAM, PMU .. tried those?)
I tried to reset PRAM and NVRAM. No effect.
At Command-S at boot, I see the messages, then it sometimes boots normally. However, no effect.
Single user mode only tried once, but no effect.
Open Firmware does NOT work. It doesn't come up at all.

Every time the PB starts up it's looking for OS X, it finds it and then it boots. Also, I have to set the start up disk manually every time.
No, haven't checked that...

Another update:
Have installed Tiger on my iPod and I'm booting with it ( -> off it) right now. So far it seems to be running
Last update:
It's dead. Booted up from the iPod, no problem. Tried to do my configuration, like IP Address and stuff, but the "." doesn't work at all, as well as my arrows and keeps on writing in capital letters or small letters as the PB sees fit.

It seems as if I have to get a replacement. :( :( :(