Deleted My Users!!! Help!!


I am a fool!

I was trying to install mySQL on my system and accidentally deleted my whole users folder instead of a single user! does anyone know a work around to fix this?

i can't log into the macine. The only thing i can do is get into single user mode. does anyone know anything i can do from there? I really dont want to have to wipe the disk and start clean. any help would be appriciated... no mocking necessary.. i know im an A$$.

thanks in advance.
Just reinstall, it'll fix it. Won't make your users folder magically appear, but it'll make it usable again.
The word you're looking for begins with "f" and ends with "ucked"

BTW UNIX sucks...and claims another victim |-)
unix doesn't suck... it's just a little (translation: a lot) more complex then other OS...

anyway, here's what I would do, boot in to 9 if you have it installed, if not boot off a CD, and install it... that way you can back up as much as possible...

then try this, if you have any way of installing anything, this will give you adduser in a command line, and that may give you the ability to get in to OSX, not sure though... otherwise, a reinstall is in order I am afraid...

nothing I said is guarenteed to work, just suggestions....