deleteing curupt files in OSX


Can anyone help I tried to download a zip file in Explorer in OSX but explorer crashed half way through and now i am left with a semi downloaded zip file on my desktop that I just can't delete! when i try to delete it it just pops up with a message about it still 'performing a task' ..and I can't delte it till this task is finished. But explorer does not see the file when it reopens so it just sits there on the desktop in conctant limbo!! Please someone tell me how i can delete it. (i've tried using the 'terminal that doesnt work either - its bypassing the 'still downloading' bit that is proving difficult)
hmm, i've had this one before. but it's been awhile. i'm not sure if i restarted, if i reopened the browser and resumed or repeated download or what. it's been awhile. the best i can do is assure you that there is an easy enough way to fix it. just wish i could remember exactly what it is. :confused:

that's the problem with os x, you don't get the same problem often enough to learn how to fix it again :D
Open the Download Manager in IE under the Window Menu and see if it's in there. If it is, delete it.


Open the terminal and type:

cd ~/.Trash
<hit return>

sudo rm -rf

put a space after the f and drag the item you want deleted to the terminal so that its path is automatically entered, then press return

give it your admin password and hit return
By the way, this will also happen
if you rename a file being downloaded
by IE.

The file still gets downloaded to the renamed
file, but the IE stream still thinks that its
in a open state.

Thus, you have to use the terminal to
kill that signal by using "rm -rf <filename>".
still won't dump it keeps telling me 'it is being used for another task'...if the download link can be stopped through the terminal can someone explain it to me clearly, thanks.
Originally posted by seamark
still won't dump it keeps telling me 'it is being used for another task'.
Did you try what bobw suggested? If that didn't work, the file may be locked.

In which case type:
sudo chflags -R nouchg
making sure there is one space at the end of the line (don't press return yet). Drag the offending file/folder off your desktop into the Terminal window, and press return. You will have to supply your admin password, which is not echoed - just type it and press return. Then type
sudo rm -rf !$
and press return.

If that doesn't work, post back because you have a real problem!
Originally posted by seamark
still won't dump it keeps telling me 'it is being used for another task'...if the download link can be stopped through the terminal can someone explain it to me clearly, thanks.

Enable the root user from the Security menu in /Applications/Utilities/NetInfo Manager.
Use the Terminal, enter
su -m
type the root password and enter
rm -rf ~/.Trash


[edit: I guess oldfogey's instructions work, too :)]
Originally posted by ksv
Enable the root user ...

Well, <b>I</b> wouldn't advise this, but ... :)

Anyway, as I understand it, he can't actually put the thing in the Trash, hence bobw's instructions to drag from the desktop. And if the 'uchg' bit is set your instructions wouldn't work either (I suspect it's not set and the OP didn't do what bobw told him). :)
OK, if you can't move to the trash, then instead of
rm -rf ~/.Trash

, type
with a space at the end and drag the file you want to delete to the terminal window. Hit enter, and your file will be gone :)

That's what bobw told him to do! except he said to use 'sudo', in case of permissions problems, and '-rf' in case it's a folder and to force it.

If seamark did that and it still didn't work (I wish he'd post back and tell us!) then one of the other flags must be set. The most common one is 'uchg', the 'user immutable' bit, which corresponds to locking the file in OS 9, so I suggested he remove this first.

As I said, if it doesn't work then, he's got a problem.


Does batchmod override the locked bit? Anyway this is easy enough in the Finder, if you own the file. Basically I agree it's better to avoid the command line if there's an alternative, unless people feel comfortable with it.
yea, Batchmod is great for locking and unlocking files. i agree that using GUI alternatives to the terminal are a good thing for people like me who get lost with the terminal. always good to have both methods listed so that people can choose what they feel the most comfortable with.
Thank you Oldfogey and KSV! You both saved my ass. The unmovable files were piling up. Now I know what's up and how to fix that. :) !!!!