DHCP assignment problems


My mac is behaving strangely, when I boot it gets assigned an IP from my router's DHCP server but after a short period of time it swaps it's ip to one which the network prefs window says "(self assigned)", why and how is it doing this? This happens under Airport and Built-in-ethernet.

Until very recetly everything was working brilliantly, then my airport went wierd, looks like a dead access point, and now it does it under the wired ethernet too. Its not the DHCP server as far as I can see because a XP machine is wired to the router as well and never has any problems.

Hope someone can help, I'm going mad with having to keep rebooting my mac which incndentally seems to be taking quite a while these days.

to further my problem I now know whats wrong but can't fix it. I tried logging into my web based interface in my router but it wouldnt work, then I realised that I think what's hapening is that when the dhcp lease runs out it can't renew it therefore thats why it makes up its own IP. Any ideas how this has happened or how to get it talking properly to the router again?
(the trick of closing the port and then opening it again in the system prefs doesnt work, the only way to resurrect the connection is with a restart.) And for that hour the connection to the net is as if there's nothign wrong except where I try to connect to the router.

This problem still isnt resolved. I spoke briefly to a Mac Technician who came into my work and he suggested it was the motherboard that was failing. He told me I could phoneup and describe the symptoms of the iBooks graphics problem and get a free new motherboard. good/bad/(ir)relevant?


have you got some internet utility application installed? 'cause i was trying one, and now i've removed it the ip sell-assignment has disappered
hmm it might be, I installed a prog that was supposed to be a super duper firewall thing that never really worked, maybe that b0rked the settings somewhere. I'll remove that and see if that has any bearing on the situation. Actually the timings of that being installed may well coincide with the problems arising cheers for that thought