Different `cd ..` behaviour in Jag for symlinks?


Translator, Web Developer
I have the following symlink:
~/ftp -> /Library/WebServer/ftp

In Puma when I went to the ftp folder through the link, and then `cd ..` it would take me back to ~/.

In Jaguar it seems to take me to the parent folder of the linked item, /Library/WebServer.

Is this just the way a newer version of tcsh behaves, or is there a way I can configure the old behaviour?

I know this is really isoteric, thanks for any help :p
I'd noticed this behaviour in Puma, and it always seemed to annoy the heck out of me. By day, I work on Solaris machines, which when you cd out of a symlinked directory, you end up in the real parent directory, not the parent of the symlink.

I actually prefer it that way, and I use ksh, not tcsh, so I don't have a good solution to make it work the 'other' way... It seems to me to be working the way it's supposed to..

That said, I'm sure there's some way to get tcsh to do your bidding. I just don't know what it is... :)
Do a 'man tcsh' and then search for 'symlinks' (type '/symlinks on the bottom line and hit return). FWIW I have symlinks set to 'ignore', which sounds like your setting too.
