Do YOU want the Trash back on the Desktop?

Do you want the Trash Can BACK on the Desktop?

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  • No

  • Maybe

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What Desktop? I disabled it using TinkerTool!

The easily-hidden desktop sucks and always has sucked. I stopped using it well before Mac OS X and accessed my volumes using Now Menus.
I agree. I only have one folder on the desktop and that one doesn't even show as it is covered with DeskShade.
It's silly, but having everything in the dock, including the trash, makes me feel young again. It's colourful and makes me feel good when I'm working.

The only good thing about the trash in OS9 and below was 'Oscar the Grouch'!
Yeah I loved Oscar but someone in my family, I think it was my sister deleted some important stuff so that was bad ;)

I never use the trash can any more. I customized my tool bar to have a delete button and eject button and I find that more enjoyable. Only problem I find is when I use someone else's computer it's slower to get to.

Everyone should conform to me right now or else I'll write a petition and cry until Apple removes the choice you all have so that I am happy in my own little world [/sarcastic]

That's the way I feel this forum has become lately.
It should be an option IMHO.
I use the desktop on OS9 A LOT, and I have things settled in a manner I like. In OS X I dont yet since I dont use it a lot at the moment. Eventually I will add icons and folders and docs to it. I would like desktop tabs to make a comeback since that is a function i use A LOT in OS 9 :)
I have a lot of junk of my desktop... it's where things seem to collect.

But I still never drag things to the trash... it's too slow! Command-Delete is the way to go. Or right click the file.

It's the same with people wanting the Application Menu back. Clicking on a Dock icon is much faster than using the old App Menu, which I dont even use in OS 9... I use DragThing's Process Dock.

I guess some people use the mouse a lot more than I do.
Originally posted by toast
I'd like a "trash it REALLY" function. Command-Shift-Backspace. Destroys the file NOW.
The Incinerator. :p That would be kind of funny, actually. :D

I like my trash in the Dock, like most of you. :) Although I use command-delete, it still feels like it belongs in the Dock and not the Desktop. I would be quite offended at this point if they moved it onto the Desktop again. :p