Hm. Less and less, I think. Unless it's all the _other_ mods who fight the trolls.

... But of course the whole issue of flame-wars between PC users and Mac users are a sign of both sides being smug about different and the same things. I think the way a Mac user turns "smug" in the eyes of others is this:
1.) User gets a Mac. Falls in love with the ease of use, the details etc. and how he or she can actually work more and troubleshoot less.
2.) This experience wants to be shared, so the user starts talking about how Macs are great ("I've seen the light...") and gets the usual misinformed answers of how Macs don't have any software, are slower etc.
3.) The user learns that he or she is part of a relatively _small_ group, the David where Goliath would be the Windows world, so to speak, and has to constantly defend the use of a Mac.
4.) The user learns to just shut up and enjoy his/her Mac. And when _asked_ about it, turns to those rather smug answers we all know so well:
"I use a Mac, because contrary to Windows, it just works." - "I use a _real_ computer." (Hinting at the toyish look of Windows, Ubuntu etc.) - "Get a Mac." (Whenever someone talks of problems with drivers or viruses etc.)
I think the _new_ lines should include Windows like this: "I've installed Windows via BootCamp/Parallels, but I found out that I just can do 99% of the things better on the Mac side. Now I only use Windows on my Mac to play the occasional game or test a website in Internet Explorer. If that kills Windows, I can just reinstall it without endangering my _real_ operating system."