Downloading issue


I'm not sure why exactly, but my computer won't let me download anything from a browser unless there's and actual link to right-click/"Download Linked File" from. I have this issue in both Safari(3.2.1) and Firefox(3.0.5), so I'm currently assuming that it's not a browser issue. For example, when trying to download iTunes I enter my email address and click Download Now and it loads the "thank you for downloading" page without downloading. Checking the activity window, the download is listed with a Frame Load Interrupted error.

My computer specs:

Mac OS 10.4.11
1.8 GHz PowerPC G5

Many thanks in advance to anyone who with any knowledge or suggestions on this issue, and apologies if it's already been covered; I tried making a search, but wasn't quite sure what terms to search for and couldn't find anything.
Please do the following steps to fix the problem.

1. Go to (tried all these steps in IE6, IE7, and Firefox

2. Click sign-in (in upper right corner)

3. Enter password for LiveID in the window that pops up, and slick Sign In

4. Click "Downloads and Product Keys - VST Suite (VL) in upper right (My MSDN Subscription)

5. Now, at 11:12PM PDT, my browser seems to be hanging after step 4... Read on for what happened earlier today, as best as I can remember it...

6. Click "Operating Systems", then click "Windows XP" in the left hand menu

7. Find the Windows XP with Service Pack3, Retail for x86, and click the download icon on the far right.

8. Get an error saying something like the "the resource is unavailable" or "not found" or something like this.

9. Tried this a few times with the same result, tried a different OS (Win2008 Server), same error

10. Thought my subscription expired, since I got it a year and 3 days ago.

11. Contacted my internal MSDN person, and they sent me my subscription ID, but it was the same as my previous one. Questioned her about it and she said my current ID still shows as active.

12. Tried re-adding the subscription, logging in/out a couple times, different browsers/machines/locations, but no different luck.

Mike, what is that about? It seems to be half a solution, but for a PC (this is an OS X board mostly)
Oops sorry ..

First of all use Safari and Empty the cache. Open Safari, go to it's preferences, delete the cache. Then when the preferences are open click on the "autofill" button. There click on the 'other forms" "edit" button and find the Google entry and delete it.
Please note that the OP is asking for help with an OS X problem.
Why provide the halfway solution that apparently hasn't helped you, either?

Safari does not empty caches from Safari preferences. If you use Safari, you would know that Safari caches can easily be emptied from the Safari menu.