Dual Port Video Card On An iMac?


I was wondering if it's possible to get a dual port video card for my G3 iMac (built just before the G4 iMacs came out) so I can use external monitors with it. For the past 4 years I've used a Matrox G450 dual port video card on my Windows box. I would like to switch over to just using Mac and would like the bigger screen area. Does anybody know if this is possible? If so, what video card would I need and how much do they cost? I just can't get used to using that tiny screen when I'm used to using dual 19" monitors.
That's true. The only thing you'll be able to update on your iMac is the hard drive and the RAM (short of external USB/FireWire peripherals).

You're stuck with the video card that came with the iMac, I'm afraid.
Can you use the built-in external VGA connector provided with the slot-loading iMacs (at least most of them)? If you look on the bottom of your iMac toward the back, you'll see a small panel that can be popped off. There's a standard VGA connection under that panel, but is only a mirrored video (no extended desktop with the iMac)
Maybe the iBook firmware hack that changes mirroring to spanning would work -- but don't try it unless you are all ready to ssh into the iMac and do some real hard fixing...