Duality/Theme help


Eyebrow Moderator
I seemingly have lost my aqua theme :confused:

anytime i change to default aqua using duality it changes to the winxp silver theme

any ideas/help?

thanks :)
Dear All,

Yes, this problem rings a bell. I installed Duality and MacOS XP Luna 1.2 theme, but unfortunately, the theme has a bug, so I tried to go back to Aqua. Nightmare.

In the end, I downloaded the Aqua Restore theme and use ThemeSwitcher to get it back. It didn't work 100% as some theme elements from XP were still remaining.

In the end, I said "Fu*k it" and reinstalled 10.2.

I haven't touch Duality since...
Seems like you were cursed by the cursor... see.. this happens when you try to make an Apple a Softie.
well the problem has been fixed

to all that this happens to

dl and run a program called aqua fix, it will restore everything, you have to restart the computer though, make sure it finishes the process otherwise problems could arise

also the maker of aquafix should be updating the program soon because it didnt re-replace the computer icon, which i ended up manually replacing (back to my g4 icon hehe)

anyways duality isnt the issue, its the way that theme was built, which isnt bad, actually its great, that theme is one of the most extensive themes out there and others just werent ready for how much it changed :)
Theme changing is still a bad mix with OS X. I had rather nasty problems with Duality's inability to restore Aqua. Thank heavens for Aqua Fix.
yep! the guy should help duality's team out, he is a nice guy too :)

but yeah, everythings fixed, so if anyone runs into this prob, aquafix is the way to go!