
Hi, I have a Dual PowerMac g5 2ghz, im using Mac Os X, i dont in which moment the DVD Driver start to work wrong, i only can read original DVD's, but i can read my burned DVD-R Data, yes i can burn, but i can read my own disc's, after this i formated my hard disk, neverthless doesn't work, its the same crap, so i think is a Firmware problem, could somebody explain me what should i do?

its really painful this situation :(

here is more specific about my DVD drive:


Manufacturer: PIONEER
Revision: A606
Serial Number: DBDL911843WL
Drive Type: CD-RW/DVD-RW
Disc Burning: Apple Supported/Shipped
Removable Media: Yes
Detachable Drive: No
Protocol: ATAPI
Unit Number: 0
Socket Type: Internal
You really should edit that post and show us where your "can" really
means "can't" because I can't figure out what you are saying.

If you "can" burn data DVDs, are you trying to copy a commercial DVD
movie? If so, how? I suspect you aren't doing it right.

Why do you think you "can" burn? Because the app didn't crash? That
says nothing.

More information, please. Specifics. And edited for clarity.
oxonbeta said:
...after this i formated my hard disk, neverthless doesn't work, its the same crap, so i think is a Firmware problem,...
Apple does not have any firmware updates for the factory installed Superdrives so it is extremely unlikely firmware is the genesis of your problem and if it were, I would have no idea where you would go to get the firmware update other than Apple.

Each media type and each function in your Superdrive uses a separate set of lasers and lenses; there is a set to burn CDs, another to burn DVDs, a third set to read CDs, and a fourth to read DVDs (and I am ignoring the added complexity of RW CDs and DVDs). So it is entirely possible for one function to fail while the others continue to work normally. In fact it is pretty uncommon for the entire drive to fail. Most commonly only one function will fail at a time. The only fix is to replace the drive. If your Mac is still under warranty or AppleCare it is time to get it to the shop before AppleCare runs out and you have to bear the burden of the replacement cost.

But even before that, try using a different brand of media and/or use a drive cleaner that you can pick up at your nearest Radio Shack, office supply, or computer store.
Have you tested a DVD-R you've burnt in another person's computer to verify that the discs are good? Maybe it's really bad media of some kind or what you've burnt is actually unreadable...