DVD war!!!


The Most Stupid Member
Microsoft has choosen DVD+RW as the Windows standard storage solution for the PC and consumer electronics environmens while Apple has choosed to use DVD-RW... I think there will be another DVD war btw Microsoft and Apple, Windows and Mac OS...

What are you thinking?

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Do you understand my subject? I mean that there will be two DVD formats standard in the future. DVD+RW and DVD-RW. The question is that which format will support by those consumer DVD players? The new iMac luckly suports those DVD+RW and DVD-RW but iDVD/Disc Copy currently write data in DVD-RW format and while the new coming Windows version will use DVD+RW. I think it is very annoying while we are end users and have to care about the DVD format... DVD is DVD, right? Should there be a "STANDARD" btw those? Remember the 56k-modem-age was ended by V.90?
Yeah, I read the article and I knew about the problem before.
It's annoying, but necessarily SOOO bad, as you can use toast to burn DVD's as well.

Sure sucks having too many formats though....
Hmmm... I am tried of those format... But hope Apple will make selection for us while burning DVD-RW with their programs.
From what I've read it actually seems that DVD+RW is the better format because it can do video and data. DVD-RW can only do video. So I would want apple to go for DVD+RW even though Microsoft backs it, because I think it actually is the best format. But really I dont want a DVD war were we have to actually worry about the format. Just like a CD is a CD a DVD should be a DVD.
So which format Disc Burner uses to write data?? I thought Apple didn't support DVD+RW.
Right now, Apple's format, DVD-RW, is much more compatible with consumer DVD players. Apple cites about 90% compatibility with all DVD players. DVD+RW has only 60% compatibility. Apple made the right choice with DVD-RW. It's a more compatible format right now.

Who knows, after a few years DVD+RW might become the predominant format. When/if that happens, Apple can switch to those mechanisms very easily. It's really no big deal.
Apple could release the Super Super Drive at MWNY which burns in multi DVD formats!

Why isn't there a DVD group to set one standard like with CDs?

Looks like Microsoft took that "Think different" thing a little too seriously.
There are some sites out there that explain in detail the differences between the two formats.

My opinion would be to use DVD+RW. From what I heard, and please correct me if I'm wrong in any of this, this is the format to go with.

DVD+RW uses a form of packet writing (Similar to DVD-RAM except without all the index points and no cartridge needed to hold the disc).

DVD+RW has better backwards compatibility with DVD Players both in computers and set-top boxes, so there is a better chance that a DVD you burn for your grandparents of your child's birthday party will work in DVD+RW format.

Since it can packet write, making incremental backups should not be a problem on DVD. I think in DVD-RW you can only burn one session and that's it. If you wanted more data on the disc, you would have to format the disc and burn the session again.

I still plan to wait till the end of the year if not even into next year to see which format becomes the mainstream favorite before I put any money into either format.
Originally posted by bubbajim
DVD+RW has better backwards compatibility with DVD Players both in computers and set-top boxes, so there is a better chance that a DVD you burn for your grandparents of your child's birthday party will work in DVD+RW format.

I know this is untrue. DVD-RW is in fact far more backwards compatible in terms of computers and set-top boxes right now. I've seen plenty of tests done by various PC magazines, and it all points to the fact that DVD-RW has a VERY high percentage of compatibility rate (90%+) while DVD-RW is only so, so (~70%).

So if you want to make DVDs that others can watch on their set-top DVD players, use DVD-RW for now.
