Easter is coming!


Easter is coming. Woo hoo. What do you want to do that and do you have any special memory for the previous Easter?
I want to "wake up" just like the past 77 easters, and my special memory is for last easter, I woke up with an "erection", no small feat for one of my age.
Memorable moment... when two family members were arguing and my grandmother got so mad that she threw a good china dish to the floor shattering it. That silenced everyone.
Eostre's celebrations are older than christianity, and "coincidentally" Easter in English derives from Eostre. Plus Passover, which also is celebrated close to Easter, happens to be older than christianity...

My usual Easter celebrations means ignoring it.

But there are a few Easters that have been particularly fun. One involved visiting my ex's (then boyfriend) parents in their village where Easter was just beautiful and it was a beautiful time of the year with the spring waking up in the nature and so on.
The other ones have been in Ireland, more specifically in a small island there where the pubs actually are open on Good Fridays. So those Fridays have either been spent on a ferry on the way there, or in one or two of the pubs there, Ciaran Danny Mike's or Cotter's.
It's mostly about chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies, I'd say, around my family. It's basically another chance in the year to see the greater family and a really good dinner. Plus: It's mostly nice weather around here at Easter. As an atheist, I don't care much what's celebrated. I guess it's about Spring and the renewal of nature and such stuff, which I'm okay with.