Editing an EXE file help.


Hello MacOSX gods!

I've managed, through burning a stack of CD's, how to get a ShellRun.exe file and AutoRun.inf file to burn properly with Toast. And it works on a PC I have in the house (my father in law is in town)

Since I downloaded these two files (they auto-open a local hosted webpage on a CD) from the web. The ShellRun puts up a little window saying something like "opening file" but also "PHD Consulting" Probably the name of the author of the ShellRun program.

The question...

Is there a way to go in and edit this text (PHD...). I opened the EXE file with Text Edit, and did a find for the phrase, found it, but I don't know if I can just change it, or it it'll wreck all the work I've put into this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Well it sounds like you are trying to use someone else's work without giving them credit, if you want something you can use without credit you should look for an alternative or write one yourself.
You know what, ora...That IS exactly how it sounds. I got so caught up trying to make my stuff wrk, I hadn't even considered that perspective.

Guess it takes someone with a bit more know-how to provide a little bit of check & balance! I will leave my ShellRun alone, and leave credit where it is due:o

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