entourage vs. mac Mail


hey all. i'm g4 15 osx 10.4.3

been trying out Entourage and mac Mail after leaving aol. i'm not sure which to pick.

1) entourage has had problems downloading messages from the imap server. sometimes it's fine, and sometimes, it has problems.
this may be due to aol, which still sucks. but even when the aol server is acting up, mac Mail seems to be able to get in there and get all my messages.

2)except, sometimes mac Mail just won't be able to "see" a message. i've tried the "rebuild" function, but no luck.
i get emails that arrive blank, and never get loaded.

what i'd like is for one of these programs to just automatically download every message onto my computer's drive. haven't really been able to make that happen, yet. Entourage's "syncroniZe" doesn't quite do it, and Mail seems to only reeealy get the full messages when you've opened up each one. sometimes i et offline and head to the train, and i still have messages that i can't access...

3) i find the Address Book for mac a little buggy. it's lost some addresses for me. (mostly in syncing to PocketMac, which is probably the culprit) anyone else had this?
entourage just seems much more functional and stable
except for this problem getting into the IMAP server...

4) anyone know how to get Entourage to list contacts by FIRST name? i've gotten so used to how mac Address Book just goes in the order of first name, that i can't adjust to Entourage...

any overall thoughts would be appreciated.
i like how entourage checks spelling, and just has the general funcionality of MS Word,
but mac Mail seems more nimble...

thoughts? thanks
A search of this forum will reveal nearly a new Entourage-related thread per day. Even though it has its fans, Entourage sucks. Do yourself a favor and use Mail. If you download, install, and run AOL Service Assistant 1.0, Mail works perfectly with AOL mail. You can find the assistant on AOL's website.
thanks, MM
i appreciate it -- the service assistant helps a lot...

i'm still having som problems with macMail, though -- i get those blank emails. mac mail sometimes gives me a scrambled email with lots of strange characters... (but when i retrieve the mail with another program, it's fine...)
is this something you've heard of/ come accross?
I have never heard of a problem with blank emails. Are these messages from acquaintances? As for scrambled characters in Mail, but I have heard of similar problems in other apps. My guess is that you have incorrect font settings. Go to Mail > Preferences... menu items. Click the Fonts & Colors tab. Apply the following settings:

Mailbox font: Lucida Grande Size: 11
Message list font: Lucida Grande Size: 12
Message font: Helvetica Size:12
hmm... no: you got those settings right -- that's what i have.
it's odd -- maybe an aol problem...? i get about 2 emails a month that are just blank, and won't load no matter how many times i click on them.