fat kids...


I have issues, OK!
Today in the UK, the government have dismissed the idea of banning junk food adverts during kids television because they feel that the advertising isn't the issue. Instead, the government feel the issue is lack of exercise.

Such is the world we live in, children are no longer safe walking to school on their own. So now most parents choose to drive them there instead.

This problem extends to [and is compounded by] their out-of-school hours where their parents would prefer that they remain in doors, thus perpetuating the indolent lifestyle.

The British weather doesn't help matters and so kids and glued to the TV screen; either playing a video game or killin' brain cells watching some vacuous soap opera and the like.

Back to the governments stance on advertising: in the real world, the position would be pretty clear; OK, kid-friendly advertising can't be wholly responsible, but it's bound to have some impact .. if it didn't, someone ought to tell the advertisers, their message isn't reaching their target audience.

Common sense dictates that it would be a positive start to ban these adverts during children's television, but the government won't.

So my question is: why?

I can only imagine that _yet again_ the UK government has caved in to pressure from commercial sector and other lobbyist who live in the back pocket of big business, much the same way George Bush has kowtowed to the petrochemical industry.

The problem of obesity isn't unique to the UK. I think the figures for the America is something 30% of the population are clinically obese.

Is it the disease of western culture? Are we all going to have to shop at Big 'n' Beautiful from now on? Will I have man boobs by the time I'm forty?

You decide...
Sez Bobw with an avatar like that!

Hardly conducive to a well-balanced, nutritious and wholesome diet.

You're corporate whore, you! [ :D only joking, fella]
Hey...what's wrong with man boobs! *perks his up*. Seriously though..it is a huge issue in the U.S. as well....and it's getting out of control..I've never been a super skinny guy or anything like that..but I've never been obese either, and it saddens me to see people that literally need to buy 2 airline seats to fly across the country because they can't fit into just one...it's quite sad. Eating traits should be learned at a young age and by example from parents and such....but that doesn't always work. No worries though...maybe insurance will cover plastic surgery soon , heh.
Total Konfuzion said:
I've never been a super skinny guy or anything like that..but I've never been obese either, and it saddens me to see people that literally need to buy 2 airline seats to fly across the country because they can't fit into just one...it's quite sad. Eating traits should be learned at a young age and by example from parents and such....but that doesn't always work. No worries though...maybe insurance will cover plastic surgery soon , heh.

What irks me is when fat people make an issue of this and start screaming: 'discrimination'.

I'm 6 foot 7 inches and a shade over 17 stone in weight. I'm actually quite well built, so it's not like I'm fat, but the same rules apply.

I can't sit comfortably in a cinema, small cars are a major problem, so is public transport and fairground rides are a no-go area for someone like me.

But I don't make an issue of it [too much]

There was a news article on the TV a couple of weeks ago and there was this massive woman, the god-I-thought-I'd-lost-the-TV-remote-no-it-was-under-my-left-breast-all-of-the-time fat.

She had the attitude that she didn't want to be fat, and no one told her not to eat too much, so she wants the NHS [National Health Service] to make me slim.

And then we're faced with the opposite problem: anorexia (and the like).

I think, to cover all bases, the problem is education and motivation. You must first educate people as to what is good for them (which seems to change almost daily :p ) and then show them how eating properly and exercising regularly are necessary to motivate them.

Easier said than done, believe me.
Although not a solution for kids, I find sex to be an excellent form of aerobic exercise.

Problem is, after a good shufty, you're absolutely starving... :D
And as Have I Got News once said, it can be even more worthwhile when someone else is doing it with you! (Sex that is, not eating, though that should be a sociable occasion also.)
Well if you're doing it alone, about the only thing you're going to be exercising is your forearm.

Anyway .. back on topic...
He can be an even worse influence if your listening to him on your iPod!

Anyway, if you haven't read Fast Food Nation yet, I'd urge you to get a copy. Not the ground shaking exposé that the publishers lead you to believe but a good insight into the industry and it's history.
Yep. Kids are chubby .. or many of them are.

I had to walk to school always .. only high school with public transport but it was like 12 miles away .. so still needed to walk to the train and change the means.

I#m shocked. The kids.. I#m right now wearing a disney t shirt, pirates of the caribbean, it looks likes its a size l on me - it is kids size 9 yeas old. cmon- the 6 years old kids size would make me look a bt more sexy .. well now used to this already. but when i first figured somewhere i find stuff onlz in kids department i was shocked.. :D
Finding clothes to fit me is a bind.

Being as tall as I am, it gets to be a problem finding jeans & trousers with 33-34 inch leg.

Also, because I'm well built, finding shirts to fit my neck [18 inch] and chest [58+ inch] gets to be a bit of nightmare.

Waist-size .. what can I say? I have my mothers thighs!..