Favorite Switch cutie? Liza, Ellen, or Janie?

Who is your favorite switcher cutie?

  • Liza Richardson - DJ

  • Ellen Feiss - Student / Stoner? It's up for debate

  • Janie Porche - Saved Christmas

Results are only viewable after voting.


I must apoligize for two reasons. First- this is a poll. I know it bugs the moderators. I'm sorry. Second- This might seem a bit sexist. But I want to know anyway...

Who is your favorite switcher cutie?

You can check out the old ads and the new ads.

My favorite is Janie. Dang she's cute. And when the camera pulls back in one shot, you can see she's got a nice figure, too. Plus, she has a PowerBook, and seems to have a fun personality. How could you not love a woman who "saved Christmas?"
For the girls, you shoulda made male selections too...

And I can only chose one??? Not two or all the above??? grrr... dangit! :D

I do like all three, for one reason or another (Janie looks like a thinner/younger ex-girlfriend of mine! lol) - but if I have to chose one, it would be Liza. She's more in my league, more mature, and in my age range... But she wouldn't give me the time of day tho! heh ;)
I choose the X-mas girl. Just gotta love those dimples. And guess what... she looks like a teacher from the school where I work... point being, beauty passes by me on a daily basis. Beside, me being over 18, I'd hate to like that Ellen girl more than the other two... so I leave her as a viable choice for you other sickos. :)

As to the men... yeah, that vet guy rings me as a pimpdaddy in his days... I bet my grandma would find him cute. hehe
<<actually, none of them are really that cute,>>

Holy cow, xaq, what are your standards?! Where do you live -- or better yet, what type of women are you surrounded by -- to be able to look at the x-mas girl and think she's not that cute, eh? Sure, Ellen is your average girl... so is the musician.... but the xmas girl, mmmm. I can look at magazines (dirty and otherwise) and not be able to find a woman that can make me say "wow". So please don't tell me "u need to get out more". You'd be right, but... hehe :)

Hmm, just for that, I should vote twice for the x-mas girl...
hehe, I think everyone just likes Ellen because they will probably get a free joint off of her ;) I think she's cute, but i don't like the Janies lower face...it's a jaw thing, not sure exactly. Liza would probably be my choice..but if i wanted to get high and be with a cute chic, i'd have to go with Ellen, lol :)
Huh, one would think that at least ONE of these women would appeal to a person... they're all a little different. So, if you're not into any of these gals, who DO you find appealing?
Oh, hey, MrFluffy, i don't blame you. Personality is always first in my opinion, when finding a girl. I just made this silly little poll to see who the Mac community thinks is cutest, judging from just the commercial. It's no big whoop. It's not like I'm asking "Which 'Switcher' would you marry?" ... ;)
Originally posted by adambyte
Oh, hey, MrFluffy, i don't blame you. Personality is always first in my opinion, when finding a girl. I just made this silly little poll to see who the Mac community thinks is cutest, judging from just the commercial. It's no big whoop. It's not like I'm asking "Which 'Switcher' would you marry?" ... ;)

To marry? Ok then all the above choices go down the drain in that case! I'm working on switching and marrying someone as it is! :D
But then again I think I'm still dreaming! lol :)
Originally posted by adambyte
Oh, hey, MrFluffy, i don't blame you. Personality is always first in my opinion, when finding a girl. I just made this silly little poll to see who the Mac community thinks is cutest, judging from just the commercial. It's no big whoop. It's not like I'm asking "Which 'Switcher' would you marry?" ... ;)
i wasnt being entirely serious, and i need to make it sound convincing incase any women are reading/listening :D ;)
Fabiola Torres "The College Professor" gets my vote. Hmmm... I wonder what she could teach me?

Ow! ow ow ow OW! Stop throwing rocks at me!
Booo! Bad joke!.... Huh.... maybe I should have added her... so far that's only one vote for her, though. Then again, this doesn't seem to be a popular poll.... maybe most of the OS X crowd around here is either "too old" for the ones I put in the poll, or too married.... ;)